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Steppe Khan


The steppe chieftains are titled Khans, serving as both statesmen and generals. They have discovered the advantages of leading from behind, urging their fellows on before them. Before a battle it is customary for them to mingle with the soldiers, goading them on with threats, promises, insults or just primal bellows. Anything to spur them into a towering rage. Nearly everyone who has fought the orcs of the steppe has spoke of the unnerving roars of the orcish leaders.
Despite this, Khans are more then ready to enter the fray against any especially audacious enemy that seeks to challenge them. Often, while retaining their flail, they focus on using the axe as they are considered too valuable an asset to risk in daredevil charges.

Nâng cấp từ: Steppe Vanguard
Nâng cấp thành:
Chi phí: 40
Máu: 68
Di chuyển: 5
KN: 150
Trình độ: 3
Phân loại: hỗn độn
Khả năng: lãnh đạo
(image)chùy gai
va đập
15 - 2
cận chiến
dauntless charge
(image)rìu chiến
10 - 4
cận chiến
Sức kháng cự:
va đập0%
bí kíp0%
Địa hìnhChi phí di chuyểnPhòng thủ
Hang động240%
Không thể qua9990%
Không thể đi bộ qua9920%
Lâu đài160%
Lùm nấm340%
Nước nông320%
Nước sâu9920%
Đá ngầm ven biển230%
Đóng băng140%
Đất phẳng140%
Đầm lầy330%