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Unstable Elemental — Quake Form


Despising herself, self-doubting, Meloen felt a strong distrust of her surroundings. Panarbori, the spirit of nature originally made to flesh by the power of Meloen's love toward the forest, had been also altered by the doubts of Meloen. He became the opposite of what the former silver mage was seeking in her companion, and instead of being considerate and a source of stability, he went impulsive and violent. His fits of anger would be compared to the wrath of nature itself and were responsible for a few natural catastrophes.

These unstable elementals are bits of Panarbori that get released after a rage tantrum, with the help of Meloen's power. They are as unpredictable as their father, rushing like small furies from a battlefield to another.

Ghi chú đặc biệt: That unit mutates depending on the terrain she is moving to, taking a form that result in better defense and movement.

Nâng cấp từ:
Nâng cấp thành: Tornado Form of Nature Wrath
Chi phí: 18
Máu: 38
Di chuyển: 8
KN: 34
Trình độ: 1
Phân loại: trung lập
Khả năng: terrain link
va đập
5 - 3
cận chiến
va đập
6 - 1
từ xa
Sức kháng cự:
va đập20%
bí kíp-30%
Địa hìnhChi phí di chuyểnPhòng thủ
Hang động250%
Không thể qua9950%
Không thể đi bộ qua9920%
Lâu đài250%
Lùm nấm340%
Nước nông420%
Nước sâu9920%
Đá ngầm ven biển330%
Đóng băng330%
Đất phẳng230%
Đầm lầy420%