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Sky Shard


In an age long forgotten by the rest of the world, when the Windsong first took up their watch, they realized that it would be impractical to carry out their duty of balancing without becoming dangerously numerous themselves. The Windsong needed servants who could become numerous in times of balancing and quickly decrease in times of hiding. Servants who could be trusted utterly, could travel quickly and were able to perform a variety of tasks. The cipher, the only power used by the Windsong, was capable of carving such servants from The Raw and binding them into reality. But this required the full attention of an Ascendant to maintain even a handful of these Shards. And so the Windsong gathered the most powerful Cryptographers (those who use ciphers) to the Foundation, and had them construct an artifact of unimaginable, though very defined, power to do it for them. It took centuries to create, but with it the Windsong were finally complete.

Shards are bound to the will of whoever controls 'The Mandate'. As they are barely present in reality, they can teleport between areas of high cipher activity (friendly towns). Also a consequence of this is their immunity to Drain, Poison and Plague. Shards are crystalline in nature and so have unusual resistances. Shards are never destroyed, they are merely 'pushed out' of reality.

Ghi chú đặc biệt: Đơn vị này có thể sử dụng một điểm di chuyển để dịch chuyển tức thời giữa hai ngôi làng trống bất kỳ mà phe nó kiểm soát.

Nâng cấp từ:
Nâng cấp thành: Sky Crystal
Chi phí: 11
Máu: 17
Di chuyển: 6
KN: 16
Trình độ: 0
Phân loại: chính thống
Khả năng: dịch chuyển tức thời
5 - 2
cận chiến
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va đập-20%
bí kíp-50%
Địa hìnhChi phí di chuyểnPhòng thủ
Hang động260%
Không thể qua-0%
Không thể đi bộ qua160%
Lâu đài160%
Lùm nấm260%
Nước nông160%
Nước sâu160%
Đá ngầm ven biển160%
Đóng băng160%
Đất phẳng160%
Đầm lầy160%