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The hive of an Arathropiae colony is its center. It is constantly enhanced by workers and has hardly penetrable reinforced walls, making it hard to destroy. What makes it even harder to destroy is, that the Arathropiae rather would die, before letting you near one of their hives, so, in order to get to one, you will have to make a lot of them die. The question is, if you really want to get near it, since it emits spores, which will cause toxic effects if you breathe them in. The only reason to go near such a hive would be the strange anti-toxic effect of the spores, but trying to reach a hive while being poisoned is maybe more deadly than the poison itself.

"When I flew over such a hive my Gryphon suddenly started to cough, making me nearly fall off. Or it was an effect happening before you lose conciousness, which I did shortly after he stopped."
-Gryphon Rider

"As I stood next to the hive, it completely cured me from the poisoning I had. The problem I had was getting away again. The result was an eternal immunity to poison."
-Death Knight

"Once, I foresaw a soldier of us stealing an egg out of such a hive. When it happened his glorious return was celebrated. Unfortunately for him I didn't foresee, that the egg would hatch right in his hands."
-Saurian Oracle

Nâng cấp từ:
Nâng cấp thành: Hive
Chi phí: 25
Máu: 50
Di chuyển: 1
KN: 15
Trình độ: 2
Phân loại: trung lập
Khả năng: Building, Spore Hull
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