- CampaignCampaign
- Units
- Dead Water
- Delfador’s Memoirs
- Descent into Darkness
- Heir to the Throne
- Legend of Wesmere
- Liberty
- Northern Rebirth
- Son of the Black-Eye
- The Eastern Invasion
- The Hammer of Thursagan
- The Rise of Wesnoth
- The Sceptre of Fire
- The South Guard
- Under the Burning Suns
- A Beastly Tale
- A Goblin Adventure
- A Group in a War
- A New Land
- A New Order
- A Northern Village
- A Rough Life
- A Simple Campaign
- A Song of Fire
- A Vision Blinded
- A Walk in the Woods
- A Whim of Fate
- A new Home
- AI Modification Demos
- Across the Ocean
- Add's Army
- Affably Evil
- After the Storm
- After the Storm
- Alariel's Journey: A Faerie Tale
- Aldur_The_Great
- Amaranthine Stone
- An Independence War
- An Innocent Man
- Antar, Son of Rheor
- Anthalia
- Aria of the Dragon-Slayer
- Ashen Hearts
- Between the Worlds
- Birth of a Lich
- Bitter Revenge
- Brave Wings
- Children of Dragons
- Coming of the Storm
- Comrades in Arms
- Crin of Crenlyn
- Danse Macabre
- Dawn of Thunder
- Desert Traders
- Desert Traders
- Doreldos: Fight to Liberty
- Dragon Fight
- Dreams of Urduk
- Dungeons of Wesnoth
- Elves Banding For War
- Elvish Dynasty RPG
- Elvish Incursion: Prologue
- End of the Legion
- Epical
- Fate of a Princess
- Fingerbone of Destiny
- Five Fates
- Flight to Freedom
- For Power Around the World
- For Power I The First Dash
- For Power II The Northern Alliance
- For Power III Enemy in Your Backyard
- For Power IV Shadow in the East
- For Power V The Big Crusade
- For Power VI The Dark Age
- Forgotten Legacy
- Gali's Contract
- Galuldur's First Journey
- Genesis Episode I: Dreams of Darkness
- Ghostly Calls
- Girl unDead
- Grnk the Mighty, Part 1
- Hero of Irdya Book I: The Legend Begins
- Hunters of the East
- In The Ring
- Inky's Quest
- Invasion from the Unknown
- Invasion from the Unknown
- Kalbruk's Journey
- Legend of Far North
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Liberating Alduin
- Lord of the South
- Martian Invasion 1594
- Monsters of Midnight
- Mutiny in 1626
- Mystery in 1596
- Napoleonic Wars
- Northern Forces
- Northern Rebirth
- Ooze Mini-Campaign
- Panther Lord
- Purger of Evil
- Rally For Roanic
- Random Campaign
- Red Winter
- Return from Captivity
- Return from the Abyss
- Return of Sir Charles
- Return of the Monster
- Revenge of the Rogue
- Revolution
- Rise of the Elementalist
- Roboke's Island
- Saving Elensefar
- Scenario With Robots
- Secrets of the Ancients
- Shadows of Deception: Episode I: Deceit
- Shadows of Deception: Episode I: Deceit
- Sleuth Sisters
- Soldier of Wesnoth
- Source of the Elementals
- Stormtrooper
- Strange Legacy
- Stranger In Wesnoth
- Struggle For Freedom
- Swamp Witch Curse
- Swamplings
- Tactics Puzzles
- Tale of Alan Part I 'A rising hero'
- Talentless Mage
- The Birth of Sorcery
- The Black Cross of Aleron
- The Blind Sentinel
- The Blind Sentinel
- The Case of the Missing Scepter
- The Dark Alliance
- The Desolation of Karlag
- The Dragons Lair
- The Drums of War
- The Earth's Gut
- The Elf, the Dwarf and the Mage
- The Founding of Borstep
- The Goblin Rebellion
- The Legend Of Mermywuss
- The Library of Kratemaqht
- The North Wind
- The North Wind [Outdated]
- The Price of Capture
- The Price of Capture
- The Rapine
- The Ravagers
- The Rise of Vespasian
- The Rising Underworld
- The Roar of the Woses
- The Rod of Justice
- The Sojournings of Grog
- The Stone of the North
- The Story of the Wose
- The Strange Men
- The Tale of Vaniyera
- The Three Elves
- The Unstoppable Legion (Chapters 1-4)
- The White Troll
- Thrugbad The Good
- To Lands Unknown
- Trapped
- Trinity Part 1: Convergence
- Trinity Part 2: Over the Moon
- Troubled Times
- Vision of a Shaman Chapter II: A Thelian Tale
- War of the Dragon
- War of the Elementals
- War of the Jewel
- Way of Dragon
- Zombies:Introduction
- EraEra
- 10ages
- 18thCentury Warfare
- <0,0,250>Water Era
- <100,230,255>Everfell + AoH
- <100,230,255>Everfell + Default
- <100,230,255>Everfell + RPG
- @Anachronistic Era
- A New Land Era
- A Random RPG Adventure Era
- AI-demos Experimental AIs
- Aetas Magica
- Age of Heroes + Black Tide
- Age of Heroes + Chalifa
- Age of Heroes + Chalifa
- Age of Heroes + Deepones
- Age of Heroes - No Flying
- Age of Heroes - No Magic
- Age of Tentacles
- Ageless Era
- Ageless Heroes
- Ageless RPG Era
- Altered Era/Ruleset
- Altered Era/Ruleset [+sprites]
- Alternate Era
- American - All
- Archaic Era
- Archaic Era - Extended
- Armored Era
- Avian Heroes Expansion
- Avian Tribe Expansion
- Avian Tribes (testing)
- Battle for Westfront
- Battleground Europe
- Campaign units era
- Champions of Four Moons
- Champions of Restoration
- Chaos RPG Era
- Colosseum
- Colosseum3p
- Core Legends Era
- Creep War Era
- DCE: Age of Heroes
- DCE: Age of Heroes + Monsters
- DCE: Default
- DCE: Default + Monsters
- DCE: Unlocked
- DCE: Unlocked + Monsters
- DMS Lite
- Default + Beastmen faction
- Default + Black Tide
- Default + Caliphate faction
- Default + Chalifa
- Default + Chalifa
- Default + Darkelf faction
- Default + Deep Elves
- Default + Deepones
- Default + EoSC
- Default + Halflings
- Default + Highelf faction
- Default + Myths
- Default + Myths Lvl. 2
- Default + Spear Archons
- Default + Vaeringjar
- Default + both Khalifate and Caliphate
- Default - No Flying
- Default - No Magic
- Default -- Modifications: RANDOM WITHOUT 1 RACE of your choice, try!
- Default Era Rebalanced
- Default Plus Strong
- Default Plus Weak
- Default RPG
- Default w/specials pack
- Default+Arabian Nights
- Default+Demons
- Default+Khalifate+Arabian Nights
- Dov: Drops
- Dov: Settlers
- Dov: Shops
- Dov: XP
- Draconian Era
- Eastern Europe at War
- Empowered Legends Era
- Enhanced Great War
- EoFM + default
- EoHS: Alternative settings
- EoHS: Era of High Sorcery
- EoR + default
- EoSC Test Recruitment
- Era of Chaos
- Era of Death
- Era of Explicit Economy
- Era of Explicit Economy (with corruption and vitalization cycle)
- Era of Four Moons
- Era of Four Moons Extended
- Era of Freedom
- Era of Horrors
- Era of Legends
- Era of Legends + Khalifate
- Era of Magic
- Era of Magic (Age of Heroes)
- Era of Magic (Masters & Slaves)
- Era of Magic (RPG)
- Era of Myths
- Era of Myths (balanced)
- Era of Myths Lvl. 2
- Era of Restoration
- Era of Second Chances
- Era of Second Chances - Experimental
- Era of Second Chances - Heroic
- Era of Shadows
- Era of Shadows + Default
- Era of Shadows + Default Heroic
- Era of Shadows Heroic
- Era of War
- Era of more units
- Era with Robots
- Extended Age of Heroes
- Extended Colosseum
- Extended Colosseum3p
- Extended Default
- Extended Era
- Extended Era + Default
- Extended RPG
- Feniks
- Feniks + Def
- Feudal Champions
- Feudal Era
- Forgotten Legends
- Forgotten Legends + Default
- Forgotten Legends Heroes
- Forgotten Legends Heroes + Default
- Forgotten Legends RPG
- G.Race - Lv1
- Grafted Era
- Great War
- Hejnewar's balance era
- Heroes + EoSC
- Heroes of Chaos
- Heroes+Arabian Nights
- Heroes+Demons
- Heroic Era
- Heroic Last Stand
- Heros of Lilico Era
- IIWW - The Second World War
- IMB4 overpowered Northerners
- Image Create!
- Imperial
- Imperial (Dev)
- Imperial Champions
- Imperial Champions (Dev)
- Imperial RPG
- Infantry Wars
- Infantry Wars Advanced
- Ivrim + Age of Heroes
- Ivrim + Age of Heroes
- Ivrim + Default
- Ivrim + Default
- Legends of the East
- Lilico Era
- Lonely Era + Default
- Millenium Era
- Millenium Heroes Era
- More Units
- More Units + Khalifate
- Myths RPG
- New Settlers (experimetal changes) (NO add-on needed) Peasants can build, try!
- Nomad faction + Default
- Ogre Battle Era
- Original Great War
- PlatinumRealm Default
- PlatinumRealm Heroes
- Q Civ (NO add-on needed)
- Race era
- Random Campaign Age of Heroes
- Random Campaign Default
- Rashy Era aoh
- Rashy Era default
- Rashy Era default extended
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of the Lords
- Royal Rumble Lvl 2
- Sanguine Era
- Short Surv Era: L1 recruits L0
- Short Surv Era: L2 recruits L1
- Short Surv Era: L3 recruits L2
- Short Surv Era: L4 recruits L3
- Soccer World Cup
- Squads (Default Era, 2 leader limit)
- Squads (Default Era, 3 leader limit)
- Squads (Default Era, 4 leader limit)
- Squads (Default Era, 5 leader limit)
- Stickmen era
- Stickmen heroes
- TGA Minimalist
- TGA Naval
- TGA Naval+AOH
- TGA+Age of Heroes
- TGA+Age of Heroes Extended
- TGA+Age of Legends
- TGA+RPG Extended
- Tales of the East
- The Age of Heroes Rebalanced
- The Battle for Wesnoth
- The Battle for Wesnoth (heroic)
- The Golden Age
- The Golden Age Extended
- The Xalıdı Expansion
- The Xalıdı Expansion (heroic)
- The football gladiators era
- Time Watchers
- Uber Combined Era
- Uber Default Era
- Uber Eastern Era
- Uber Naval Era
- Uber Northern Era
- Uber Short Era
- Uber Southern Era
- Undead Empire
- War of Legends Era
- War of Legends RPG
- Wild Champions
- Wild Era
- Zombie Apocalypse RPG
- Zombie Survival
- _TBfW (heroic) sans Drakes
- _TBfW sans Drakes
- _TBfW+Khalifate (heroic) sans Drakes
- _TBfW+Khalifate sans Drakes
- buddh's Default
- Race
- Alt DargulsAlt Darguls
- Dargul Aide
- Dargul Aide Legend
- Dargul Arbitrator
- Dargul Armagon
- Dargul Armagon Legend
- Dargul Burner
- Dargul Burner Hero
- Dargul Burner Legend
- Dargul Crawler
- Dargul Enforcer
- Dargul Enforcer Hero
- Dargul Enforcer Legend
- Dargul Forge
- Dargul Forge Legend
- Dargul Glider
- Dargul Glider Hero
- Dargul Glider Legend
- Dargul Inferno
- Dargul Inferno Avatar
- Dargul Moderator
- Dargul Moderator Legend
- Dargul Myrmidon
- Dargul Myrmidon Avatar
- Dargul Outcast
- Dargul Outcast Legend
- Dargul Pariah
- Dargul Pyre
- Dargul Pyre Legend
- Dargul Rampage
- Dargul Rampage Avatar
- Dargul Sapien
- Dargul Slasher
- Dargul Slasher Hero
- Dargul Slasher Legend
- Dargul Squall
- Dargul Squall Legend
- Dargul Talon
- Dargul Talon Legend
- Dargul Tempest
- Dargul Treater
- Dargul Treater Hero
- Dargul Treater Legend
- Dargul Tumult
- Dargul Volcano
- Alt FeyAlt Fey
- Fey Arcanist Legend
- Fey Archer
- Fey Archer Hero
- Fey Archer Legend
- Fey Concord
- Fey Concord Avatar
- Fey Conjurer
- Fey Conjurer Hero
- Fey Conjurer Legend
- Fey Dancer
- Fey Dancer Hero
- Fey Dancer Legend
- Fey Dryad
- Fey Dryad Avatar
- Fey Enigmat Hero
- Fey Arcanist Legend
- Fey Fender
- Fey Fender Hero
- Fey Fender Legend
- Fey Forester
- Fey Kensai
- Fey Kensai Legend
- Fey Marksman
- Fey Marksman Legend
- Fey Martialist
- Fey Messiah
- Fey Minstrel
- Fey Minstrel Avatar
- Fey Mystic
- Fey Naearee
- Fey Nymph
- Fey Nymph Legend
- Fey Oracle
- Fey Oracle Legend
- Fey Pilgrim
- Fey Pilgrim Legend
- Fey Sentinel
- Fey Sentinel Legend
- Fey Sidne
- Fey Soleil
- Fey Soleil Legend
- Fey Sprite
- Fey Sprite Legend
- Fey Sybil
- Fey Tender
- Fey Tender Hero
- Fey Tender Legend
- Fey Traveler
- Fey Traveler Hero
- Fey Traveler Legend
- Fey Wanderer
- Fey Warden
- Fey Warden Legend
- Alt GnomesAlt Gnomes
- Gnome Apothecary
- Gnome Apothecary Legend
- Gnome Balooner
- Gnome Balooner Hero
- Gnome Balooner Legend
- Gnome Brewer
- Gnome Brewer Hero
- Gnome Brewer Legend
- Gnome Crafter
- Gnome Custodian
- Gnome Dirigible
- Gnome Dirigible Legend
- Gnome Escort
- Gnome Justicar
- Gnome Justicar Avatar
- Gnome Keeper
- Gnome Keeper Hero
- Gnome Keeper Legend
- Gnome Miner
- Gnome Patrol
- Gnome Patrol Legend
- Gnome Pharmacist
- Gnome Pioneer
- Gnome Pioneer Hero
- Gnome Pioneer Legend
- Gnome Questor
- Gnome Questor Legend
- Gnome Sentry
- Gnome Sentry Legend
- Gnome Shielder
- Gnome Shielder Hero
- Gnome Shielder Legend
- Gnome Skywatch
- Gnome Soldier
- Gnome Soldier Hero
- Gnome Soldier Legend
- Gnome Stalwart
- Gnome Thunderer
- Gnome Thunderer Hero
- Gnome Thunderer Legend
- Gnome Thunderguard
- Gnome Thunderguard Legend
- Gnome Thundersage
- Gnome Thundersage Avatar
- Gnome Toolwar
- Gnome Toolwar Avatar
- Gnome Vagrant
- Gnome Vagrant Legend
- Gnome Warrior
- Gnome Warrior Legend
- Alt ThanatsAlt Thanats
- Thanat Abomination
- Thanat Anathem
- Thanat Banshee
- Thanat Battler
- Thanat Battler Hero
- Thanat Battler Legend
- Thanat Cadaver
- Thanat Cadaver Hero
- Thanat Cadaver Legend
- Thanat Caster
- Thanat Caster Hero
- Thanat Caster Legend
- Thanat Cormorant
- Thanat Draug
- Thanat Draug Avatar
- Thanat Drifter
- Thanat Ghost
- Thanat Ghost Legend
- Thanat Ghoul
- Thanat Ghoul Legend
- Thanat Howler
- Thanat Howler Hero
- Thanat Howler Legend
- Thanat Leper
- Thanat Leper Hero
- Thanat Leper Legend
- Thanat Lich
- Thanat Lich Legend
- Thanat Mummy
- Thanat Mummy Legend
- Thanat Ossuar
- Thanat Ossuar Avatar
- Thanat Penance
- Thanat Penance Legend
- Thanat Revenant
- Thanat Revenant Legend
- Thanat Scourge
- Thanat Scourge Legend
- Thanat Sepulch
- Thanat Shambler
- Thanat Shooter
- Thanat Shooter Hero
- Thanat Shooter Legend
- Thanat Theurg
- Thanat Theurg Avatar
- Alt ValonsAlt Valons
- Valon Arret
- Valon Arret Legend
- Valon Cavalier
- Valon Cavalier Hero
- Valon Cavalier Legend
- Valon Cottier
- Valon Dragoon
- Valon Enchanter
- Valon Enchanter Hero
- Valon Enchanter Legend
- Valon Esquire
- Valon Esquire Legend
- Valon Knight
- Valon Lancer
- Valon Lancer Hero
- Valon Lancer Legend
- Valon Learner
- Valon Paladin
- Valon Prophet
- Valon Prophet Legend
- Valon Savant
- Valon Towner
- Valon Trotter
- Valon Uhlan
- Valon Uhlan Legend
- Bats
- Drakes
- DwarvesDwarves
- Dwarvish Arcanister
- Dwarvish Berserker
- Dwarvish Dragonguard
- Dwarvish Explorer
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Guardsman
- Dwarvish Lord
- Dwarvish Pathfinder
- Dwarvish Runemaster
- Dwarvish Runesmith
- Dwarvish Scout
- Dwarvish Sentinel
- Dwarvish Stalwart
- Dwarvish Steelclad
- Dwarvish Thunderer
- Dwarvish Thunderguard
- Dwarvish Ulfserker
- ElvesElves
- Elvish Archer
- Elvish Avenger
- Elvish Captain
- Elvish Champion
- Elvish Druid
- Elvish Enchantress
- Elvish Fighter
- Elvish Hero
- Elvish High Lord
- Elvish Lady
- Elvish Lord
- Elvish Marksman
- Elvish Marshal
- Elvish Outrider
- Elvish Ranger
- Elvish Rider
- Elvish Scout
- Elvish Shaman
- Elvish Sharpshooter
- Elvish Shyde
- Elvish Sorceress
- Elvish Sylph
- Falcons
- Goblins
- Gryphons
- HumansHumans
- Arch Mage
- Assassin
- Bandit
- Bowman
- Cavalier
- Cavalryman
- Dark Adept
- Dark Sorcerer
- Dragoon
- Duelist
- Elder Mage
- Fencer
- Footpad
- Fugitive
- General
- Grand Knight
- Grand Marshal
- Great Mage
- Halberdier
- Heavy Infantryman
- Highwayman
- Horseman
- Huntsman
- Iron Mauler
- Javelineer
- Knight
- Lancer
- Lieutenant
- Longbowman
- Mage
- Mage of Light
- Master Bowman
- Master at Arms
- Necromancer
- Outlaw
- Paladin
- Peasant
- Pikeman
- Poacher
- Ranger
- Red Mage
- Rogue
- Royal Guard
- Royal Warrior
- Ruffian
- Sergeant
- Shock Trooper
- Silver Mage
- Spearman
- Swordsman
- Thief
- Thug
- Trapper
- White Mage
- Woodsman
- Khalifate
- Mechanical
- Mermen
- Monsters
- Nagas
- Ogres
- Orcs
- Saurians
- Trolls
- Undead
- Wolves
- Woses
- LanguageLanguage
- Build Report
Fey Soleil Legend

Life-giving sun is at its strongest in places that are devoid of life. Paradox of the desert, as Fey refer to this fact, draws their attention like a candlelight does with a moth. Those who chose to give in to its temptation are wise enough to prepare. Clothes are tailored to protect from excessively bright light and light staff is replaced by a thick hollow one that can be used as water reservoir that prevents its contents from evaporation. Time spent under the burning sun can make a Fey attuned to it and able to summon and direct its searing blaze, especially when it is close to zenith, but a way to calm it and let the sands bloom is yet to be found.

Advances from: | Fey Soleil |
Advances to: | ‒ |
Cost: | 66 |
HP: | 65 |
Moves: | 6 |
XP: | 125 |
Level: | 3 |
Alignment: | neutral |
Id: | AltNewFey Soleil 3 |
Abilities: | ‒ |
Attacks (damage × count)
![]() | weighted staff melee | 15 × 2 impact | |
![]() | solar burst ranged | 8 × 3 impact | mystical heliacal |
![]() |
blade | 0% | ![]() |
pierce | 0% | |
![]() |
impact | 0% | ![]() |
fire | 0% | |
![]() |
cold | 0% | ![]() |
arcane | 0% |
Terrain | Movement Cost | Defense | |
![]() |
Castle | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Cave | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Coastal Reef | 2 | 40% |
![]() |
Deep Water | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Flat | 1 | 40% |
![]() |
Forest | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Frozen | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Fungus | 2 | 50% |
![]() |
Hills | 2 | 50% |
![]() |
Mountains | 3 | 60% |
![]() |
Sand | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Shallow Water | 3 | 30% |
![]() |
Swamp | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Unwalkable | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Village | 1 | 60% |
Last updated on Fri Apr 20 12:36:58 2018.