

As the leaders of their armies, Generals are responsible for the protection of large or important areas in the kingdoms to which they have sworn fealty. Well seasoned in the art of war, Generals can direct even the freshest recruits to strike strategically against imposing odds and emerge victorious. Recognized by nobility and citizenry alike, they are outfitted in ornate plate armor and granted some of the finest weaponry that human craftsmen can offer.



Advances from: Trung úy
Advances to: Đại nguyên soái
Cost: 66
HP: 55
Moves: 6
XP: 105
Cấp độ: 3
Phân loại: lawful
Id: General
Abilities: lãnh đạo

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)kiếm dài(blade attack) chém9 × 4(melee attack) cận chiến
(image)nỏ(pierce attack) đâm7 × 3(ranged attack) từ xa

Sức kháng cự

(icon) chém10% (icon) đâm10%
(icon) va đập10% (icon) lửa0%
(icon) lạnh0% (icon) bí kíp10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Cát230%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Hang động240%
(icon) Không thể đi bộ qua0%
(icon) Làng160%
(icon) Lâu đài160%
(icon) Núi360%
(icon) Nước nông320%
(icon) Nước sâu0%
(icon) Nấm250%
(icon) Rừng250%
(icon) Đá ngầm ven biển230%
(icon) Đóng băng320%
(icon) Đất phẳng140%
(icon) Đầm lầy320%
(icon) Đồi250%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:45:54 2024.