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Any person who is even considered for the title of Great Mage is quite nearly a legend in their own time, and town criers have forcibly learnt discretion in applying the title. Merit for the title is carefully considered by a council of the leading magi of the age, and the conferment of the title is given only by a majority vote. Regardless, anyone who is seriously nominated for the honor of being called a Great Mage is, without question, a master of their art, and has surpassed almost any of their peers in skill.

Though they are not warriors, by any means, the application of their art to combat is something that often causes other soldiers to stand aside in awe.

An aire gu sònraichte: Tha ionnsaighean draoidheach aig an aonad seo aig a bheil an-còmhnaidh deagh sheans bualaidh air an nàmhaid.



Àrdaichidh e bho: Àrd-dhraoidh
Àrdaichidh e gu:
Cosgais: 72
PB: 65
Gluasadan: 5
XP: 200
Rang: 4
Co-thaobhadh: neutral
Id: Great Mage

Ionnsaighean (damage × count)

9 × 2
16 × 4


(icon) lann0% (icon) bioradh0%
(icon) bualadh0% (icon) teine30%
(icon) fuachd0% (icon) dìomhair20%


Cruth-tìreCosgais ghluasaidDìon
(icon) Baile160%
(icon) Balgain-bhuachair250%
(icon) Beanntan360%
(icon) Boglach320%
(icon) Caisteal160%
(icon) Cnuic250%
(icon) Coille250%
(icon) Do-choiseach0%
(icon) Gaineamh230%
(icon) Reòite320%
(icon) Riof cladaich230%
(icon) Rèidh140%
(icon) Tanalach320%
(icon) Uamh240%
(icon) Uisge domhain0%
Last updated on Fri Apr 20 11:49:08 2018.