Ombra Etèrea


When light came into the world and gave form to the unknown, fear was forced to retreat into darkness. Since that day, the shadows of the world have held terror for humanity, though it knows not why.

That is a question which is easily answered by a necromancer.

Notes especials: Si hi ha un enemic de l'objectiu en el costat opost de dit objectiu, mentres se li ataca, esta unitat pot apunyalar a l'objectiu per la esquena, infligint-li aixina el doble de dany, pel fet d'atacar per darrere. Els esperits tenen unes resistències molt inusuals, i es mouen prou lentament sobre l'aigua. This unit is able to move through solid stone walls. Unlike normal Shadows, Ethereal Shadows cannot hide at night.



Alvança de:Fantasma Eteri
Alvança a: Malson Eteri
Cost: 38
Moviments: 7
XP: 100
Level: 2
Alineació: chaotic
Id: EShadow

Atacs (damage × count)

8 × 3
punyalada per l'esquena


(icon) talla50% (icon) perfora50%
(icon) impactar50% (icon) foc10%
(icon) fret70% (icon) arcà-10%


TerrenyMovement CostDefensa
(icon) Aigües someres250%
(icon) Aldea150%
(icon) Arena150%
(icon) Bosc150%
(icon) Castell150%
(icon) Coastal Reef250%
(icon) Cova150%
(icon) Deep Water250%
(icon) Flat150%
(icon) Frozen150%
(icon) Fungus150%
(icon) Montanyes150%
(icon) Pantà150%
(icon) Tossals150%
(icon) Unwalkable150%
Last updated on Fri Apr 20 11:59:02 2018.