Fantasma Eteri


It is one of the greater mercies of creation that a human soul is immutable, and cannot be destroyed. However, the many things a necromancer can do, despite this, are entirely horrifying.

Trapped within a shroud of vile enchantments, a spirit likens unto the wind in the sails of a ship. The contrivance that results from this prison is an unfailing servant, which can be bound to whatever task their master sees fit.

Notes especials: Durant la batalla, esta unitat pot drenar vida de les seues víctimes per recuperar la seua. Els esperits tenen unes resistències molt inusuals, i es mouen prou lentament sobre l'aigua. L'atac arcà d'esta unitat infligix un trement dany a criatures màgiques, i inclús un poc de dany a les criatures vives. This unit is able to move through solid stone walls.



Alvança de:
Alvança a: Aparició Etèrea, Ombra Etèrea
Cost: 20
Moviments: 7
XP: 30
Level: 1
Alineació: chaotic
Id: EGhost

Atacs (damage × count)

4 × 3
3 × 3


(icon) talla50% (icon) perfora50%
(icon) impactar50% (icon) foc10%
(icon) fret70% (icon) arcà-10%


TerrenyMovement CostDefensa
(icon) Aigües someres250%
(icon) Aldea150%
(icon) Arena150%
(icon) Bosc150%
(icon) Castell150%
(icon) Coastal Reef250%
(icon) Cova150%
(icon) Deep Water250%
(icon) Flat150%
(icon) Frozen150%
(icon) Fungus150%
(icon) Montanyes150%
(icon) Pantà150%
(icon) Tossals150%
(icon) Unwalkable150%
Last updated on Fri Apr 20 11:59:01 2018.