Saurian Prophet


Certain saurians are seen dressed in arcane regalia and covered head to toe in horrifying, esoteric shapes and markings, both with paint and tattoo. Some suspect them to be visionaries, or prophets amongst their ilk. But whatever ‘societal’ function they may have, they are undeniably powerful in the strange magics their kind possess.



Advances from: Оракул
Advances to:
Cost: 51
HP: 43
Moves: 6
XP: 150
Уровень: 3
Тип: хаотичный
Id: Saurian Prophet
Abilities: лечит +4

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)посох(impact attack) крушащий6 × 3(melee attack) ближний
(image)проклятие(cold attack) холод12 × 3(ranged attack) дальний(магия)


(icon) режущий-10% (icon) колющий20%
(icon) крушащий-10% (icon) огонь-20%
(icon) холод-20% (icon) мистический10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Береговой риф240%
(icon) Болото160%
(icon) Глубокая вода0%
(icon) Горы260%
(icon) Грибы160%
(icon) Деревня150%
(icon) Замок160%
(icon) Лес260%
(icon) Мерзлота430%
(icon) Непроходимая местность0%
(icon) Отмель340%
(icon) Песок160%
(icon) Пещера160%
(icon) Равнина140%
(icon) Фальшивая пелена0%
(icon) Холмы160%
Last updated on Fri Jul 26 00:44:55 2024.