মহান ওর্ক নেতা


Although orcs tend to be fairly tribal in nature, from time to time, a situation arises that impels several clans to join forces under a single powerful sovereign. By virtue of the station, such an orc must possess both the strength and cunning to lead a great horde of warriors, almost invariably possessing an inherent charisma that is an exceptional rarity among their kind. The path to such a status is a varied one; sometimes, a powerful tribe may conquer lesser ones and absorb the defeated warriors into their ranks, while other circumstances demand appointing by a council of shamans, where the Sovereign becomes a temporary, but formal title. In either case, the warchief is the critical linchpin of the horde, which rapidly dissolves back into individual clans once the strength of its leadership is extinguished.



Advances from: ওর্ক শাসক
Advances to:
Cost: 80
HP: 75
Moves: 6
XP: 150
পর্যায়: 3
স্বভাব: অনৈতিক
Id: Orcish Sovereign
Abilities: নেতৃত্ব

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)বিরাট তলোয়ার(blade attack) ধারালো অস্ত্র10 × 4(melee attack) নিকট
(image)ক্রসবো(pierce attack) ভেদ্য9 × 3(ranged attack) দূর


(icon) ধারালো অস্ত্র0% (icon) ভেদ্য0%
(icon) ভোঁতা অস্ত্র0% (icon) অগ্নি0%
(icon) শীতল0% (icon) অলৌকিক0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) অগভীর জল320%
(icon) অচলনযোগ্য0%
(icon) অরণ্য250%
(icon) উপকূলীয় প্রবাল প্রাচীর230%
(icon) গভীর জল0%
(icon) গুহা240%
(icon) গ্রাম160%
(icon) ছত্রাক340%
(icon) জলাভুমি330%
(icon) নকল আচ্ছাদন0%
(icon) পর্বত260%
(icon) পাহাড়150%
(icon) প্রাসাদ160%
(icon) বরফে ঢাকা220%
(icon) বালি230%
(icon) সমতল140%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:41:44 2024.