ট্রোল যোদ্ধা


Trolls typically neither need nor prefer to use any proper armament in combat, as large ‘sticks and stones’ serve them all too well. However, trolls have been seen on numerous occasions clad in rough-shod armor and bearing metal hammers. It is speculated that orcish allies are the source and crafters of these; expeditions into several forcibly-vacated troll holes have shown little evidence of tool use, and certainly no metalworking of any kind. Given how dangerous a troll is with its bare hands, the thought of a troll with proper armament is entirely unsettling.



Advances from: ট্রোল
Advances to:
Cost: 49
HP: 70
Moves: 5
XP: 150
পর্যায়: 3
স্বভাব: অনৈতিক
Id: Troll Warrior
Abilities: পুনরুদ্ধার

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)হাতুড়ি(impact attack) ভোঁতা অস্ত্র20 × 2(melee attack) নিকট


(icon) ধারালো অস্ত্র20% (icon) ভেদ্য20%
(icon) ভোঁতা অস্ত্র0% (icon) অগ্নি0%
(icon) শীতল0% (icon) অলৌকিক-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) অগভীর জল220%
(icon) অচলনযোগ্য0%
(icon) অরণ্য240%
(icon) উপকূলীয় প্রবাল প্রাচীর230%
(icon) গভীর জল0%
(icon) গুহা140%
(icon) গ্রাম140%
(icon) ছত্রাক250%
(icon) জলাভুমি220%
(icon) নকল আচ্ছাদন0%
(icon) পর্বত260%
(icon) পাহাড়150%
(icon) প্রাসাদ140%
(icon) বরফে ঢাকা220%
(icon) বালি230%
(icon) সমতল130%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:41:44 2024.