Торокски защитник


From the journal of Syniel, the Sand Skipper:

The orcs ambushed me near the oasis at twilight. I had to flee into the desert, but even there, the wolves were nearly fast enough to keep up with me. I ran and ran for hours until I could barely feel my legs and still, they hounded me under the bright moonlight. I thought that I was dead for sure, but as Eloh would have it, I came across a young tauroch that had wandered away from her pack. She must have sensed my trouble, for she came to me swiftly and fought beside me all through the long night; beyond exhaustion, we somehow managed to drive off dozens of orcs and wolves by ourselves. By dawn, we were alone, but wounded and weary to our bones with nothing but sand in sight. I used what little remained of my supplies to tend to the tauroch’s wounds, then I succumbed to fatigue and I remember little after that.


I woke up today in the village, tired, but alive. My friends told me that the tauroch had carried me through the desert for many hours at no little cost to herself, for she was in worse condition than I by the time we had arrived. I can only be grateful that I managed to survive that dreadful night, for it is only by Eloh’s grace that I happened upon such a loyal companion. She is my savior, my watchful guardian, a blessing from the Goddess herself. I think I will call her Nala, meaning ‘Protector’ in our tongue. I am sure we will have many more adventures together.



Advances from: Несломим Торок
Advances to:
Cost: 136
HP: 120
Moves: 5
XP: 150
Ниво: 3
Уклон: праведен
Id: Tauroch Protector
Abilities: непоклатимост

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)стъпкване(impact attack) сблъсък11 × 2(melee attack) близък бой(once per turn)
(image)дротик(pierce attack) пробождане11 × 3(ranged attack) стрелба(once per turn)


(icon) острие30% (icon) пробождане20%
(icon) сблъсък30% (icon) огън10%
(icon) студ20% (icon) магия-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Flat140%
(icon) Frozen230%
(icon) Fungus230%
(icon) Unwalkable0%
(icon) Блато230%
(icon) Гора240%
(icon) Дълбоки води0%
(icon) Замък140%
(icon) Крайбрежен риф230%
(icon) Песъчлив терен140%
(icon) Пещера230%
(icon) Планини350%
(icon) Плитки води230%
(icon) Селище150%
(icon) Хълмове250%
Last updated on Fri Sep 27 02:20:38 2024.