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- A Prince's Tale
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- An Elvish Scout
- An Elvish Scout
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- Antar, Son of Rheor
- Aria of the Dragon-Slayer
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- Bad Moon Rising Part I: Awakening (Prologue)
- Bad Moon Rising Part II: Out of the North
- Bad Moon Rising Part III: Crossfire
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- Confederacy of Swamp Creatures: Big Battle 2
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- Dead Water (1.12)
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- Eternal Kingdom
- Eternal Kingdom
- Fate of a Princess
- Five Fates
- Flight to Freedom
- For Power Around the World
- For Power I The First Dash
- For Power II The Northern Alliance
- For Power III Enemy in Your Backyard
- For Power IV Shadow in the East
- For Power V The Big Crusade
- For Power VI The Dark Age
- Forgotten Conflicts
- Forgotten Kingdom
- Free Cities
- Frogfolk Delivery Service
- From Rocks And Blood
- From the New World
- Frozen Expedition
- Galuldur's First Journey
- Genesis Episode I
- Ghostly Calls
- Goblin's Glory
- Hair to the Throne
- Heir to the Throne (1.10)
- Heir to the Throne (1.12)
- Heroes: The Iron Bulwark
- Hordes of the Other World
- Horn of Faith
- In Defense of Kharos
- In Hearth of Durn-Turum
- In The Ring
- Inky's Quest
- Innocence
- Into the Wilds
- Introduction to the Pack of TDM Project
- Introduction to the Pack of TDM Project
- Invasion
- Invasion
- Invasion
- Journey Into the Dwarven Roots
- Journey of a Frost Mage
- Knights of the Silver Spire
- Leafsea Burning
- Legend of Far North
- Legend of Wesmere (1.12)
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Liberating Alduin
- Liberty (1.10)
- Liberty (1.12)
- Liberty (1.14)
- Libertytwo
- Lifetime of Stones
- Mage of Runes
- Marbus' Escape
- Mass Mobilization [0]
- Mass Mobilization [0]
- Mass Mobilization [0]
- Mercenary Band
- Merry Christmas
- MfaW) The Season of Mist
- Migration of Aragwaithi
- Monsters of Midnight
- Mountain Witch
- Nightmare to the Throne
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- Northern Rebirth (1.12)
- Northern Rebirth Remake
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- Omega's Tale
- Ooze Mini-Campaign
- Orc Might
- Order of Oerbrae
- Panther Lord
- Plums Cave Crawl
- Rage (16+)
- Rally For Roanic
- Red Winter
- Red Winter_Reborn
- Rescue Mission
- Return from Captivity
- Return from the Abyss
- Return of Sir Charles
- Return of the Legions: Book-01
- Return of the Legions: Book-01
- Return of the Legions: Book-02
- Return of the Legions: Book-02
- Return of the Legions: Book-03
- Return of the Legions: Book-03
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- Revolution's events
- Revolution's events
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- Saving Elensefar Redux
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- Snowdrop of Dawn
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- Son of the Black-Eye (1.12)
- Son of the Black-Eye Easy Edition
- Source of the Elementals
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- Stranger In Wesnoth
- Struggle For Freedom
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- The Dark Hordes Part 2
- The Dark Hordes(Unofficial version)
- The Dark Hordes: Ch.01 Modified version
- The Dark Hordes: Ch.01 Modified version
- The Dark Master
- The Dark Master: Ch.01 Survival
- The Dark Master: Ch.01 Survival
- The Dark Master: Ch.02 The Nothern Expedition
- The Dark Master: Ch.02 The Nothern Expedition
- The Dark Master: Ch.03: The Path of Darkness
- The Dark Master: Ch.03: The Path of Darkness
- The Dark Master: Ch.04 The Restoration
- The Dark Master: Ch.04 The Restoration
- The Dark Master: Ch.05 Ascendance
- The Dark Master: Ch.05 Ascendance
- The Dark Master: Ch.06 The Exile
- The Dark Master: Ch.06 The Exile
- The Dark Master: Ch.07 The Rebellion
- The Dark Master: Ch.07 The Rebellion
- The Dark Master: Ch.08 The Union
- The Dark Master: Ch.08 The Union
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- The Eastern Invasion (1.12)
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- The Fall of Wesnoth (Part 1)
- The Garardine Ascendancy
- The Hammer of Thursagan (1.14)
- The Harvest
- The Harvest scenario 2
- The Hidden Kingdom
- The Nameless Fellowship Saga
- The Pool of Ek
- The Price of Capture
- The Ravagers
- The Return of Flame Part 1
- The Return of the Darks
- The Return of the Sea Hag
- The Roar of the Woses
- The Rootless
- The Sceptre of Fire (1.10)
- The Sceptre of Fire (1.12)
- The Sceptre of Fire (1.14)
- The Sojournings of Grog
- The South Guard Nightmare
- The Story of the Wose
- The Thelien Attack
- The Three Elves
- The Three Sisters Saga
- The Undead Rising
- The Unstoppable Legion
- The War of Terrador
- The White Troll
- The Wolves' Last Path
- The second Strife
- The true leader
- Through the Dwarven Roots
- To Lands Unknown
- Trapped
- Trials of Tyco
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- Trinity Part 2: Over the Moon
- Tunnel Wars [0]
- Tunnel Wars [0]
- Tunnel Wars [0]
- Ultimate Wesnoth Campaign - Hack'n Slash
- Ultimate Wesnoth Campaign - Scroll
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- Unrest in Elfland
- Unto Others
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- Up the River Bork
- Vendraxis Prophecy
- Voyage of a Drake: an RPG
- WML Guide
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- War Plan Scarlet [1]
- War Plan Scarlet [1]
- War Plan Scarlet [1]
- War and Home
- War of the Dragon
- War of the Elementals
- War of the Jewel
- War-Torn
- War-Torn: Book-01
- War-Torn: Book-01
- War-Torn: Book-02
- War-Torn: Book-02
- Way of Dragon
- Weshack
- Wesvoid
- Winds of Fate
- Xalzar Quest
- Zombies: Introduction
- test5
- EraEra
- 18thCentury Warfare Era
- A Neverending Era
- A Neverending Era AoH
- A Neverending Era AoH: Shops
- A Neverending Era AoH: XP
- A Neverending Era Experimental
- A Neverending Era Experimental: Shops
- A Neverending Era Experimental: XP
- A Neverending Era: Shops
- A Neverending Era: XP
- A New Land Era
- A Random RPG Adventure Era
- A new human era
- Age of Heroes + Harpies
- Age of Heroes + Undwarves
- Age of Heroes+WoFL
- Age of Lords
- Age of Space
- Age of Tentacles
- Age of Trials
- Age of Trials + Default
- Age of Trials + Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Ageless Era
- Ageless Heroes
- Ageless RPG Era
- Altera
- Altered era/ruleset
- Archaic Era
- Archaic Era - Extended
- Ardunynn
- Armies of Amberan
- Axis of Evil
- BSH RPG choices
- BSH under construction
- BSH under construction + Default
- Battle for Meridia
- Battleground Europe
- Beyond Southern Hells
- Beyond Southern Hells + Default
- BfM + default
- Champions of Four Moons
- Chaos RPG Era
- Clash of the Lords
- Colosseum
- Colosseum
- Complete Kylandra
- Core Legends Era
- DMM: Drops
- DMM: Shops
- DMM: The Settlers
- DMMH: Drops
- DMMH: Shops
- DMML: Shops
- DMMLH: Shops
- Deep Elves
- Default + Aragwaithi
- Default + Campaign_Era
- Default + Deep Elves
- Default + Harpies
- Default + Myths
- Default + Myths Lvl. 2
- Default + Nightmares of Meloen
- Default + Quenoth Elves (UtBS)
- Default + Saurians
- Default + Scout
- Default + Southern
- Default + Southern heroes
- Default + Steelhive
- Default + Undwarves
- Default HOSL
- Default L0 Era
- Default LockOne
- Default RPG
- Default Rats
- Default Werewolf Era
- Default+Demons
- Default+Dunefolk+Demons
- Default_Magical_Noob
- Den of Thieves Era
- Desert War
- Draconian Era
- Draconian Era Extended
- Eastern Europe at War
- Empowered Legends Era
- EoFM + default
- EoHS: Alternative settings
- EoHS: Era of High Sorcery
- Era of Chaos
- Era of Chaos + Default
- Era of Four Moons
- Era of Four Moons Extended
- Era of Horrors
- Era of Legends
- Era of Legends + Dunefolk
- Era of Magic
- Era of Magic (Age of Heroes)
- Era of Magic (Masters)
- Era of Magic (RPG)
- Era of Magic (RPG) (unbalanced)
- Era of Myths
- Era of Myths (balanced)
- Era of Myths Lvl. 2
- Era of Seafire with Dunefolk
- Era of Second Chances
- Era of Second Chances + Default
- Era of Second Chances + Heroes
- Era of Second Chances - Experimental
- Era of Second Chances - Heroic
- Era of Second Chances Test Recruitment
- Era of Service Branches
- Era of Shadows
- Era of Shadows + Default
- Era of Shadows + Default Heroic
- Era of Shadows Heroic
- Era of classic Seafire
- Era of evolution tests
- Era of heroic Seafire
- Era of heroic Seafire with Dunefolk
- Era of modern Seafire
- Era of modern heroic Seafire
- Era with Robots
- Everfell Era
- Everfell Era + Default
- Everfell Era + Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Everfell Era RPG
- Everfell Heroes
- Everfell Heroes + AoH
- Everfell Heroes + Lonely Heroes + AoH + Black Tide Heroes
- Evil Faith
- Evil Faith + Default
- Evil Faith + Default + Dunefolk
- Evolves Era
- Extended Armies Era - Age of Heroes
- Extended Armies Era - Default
- Extended Armies Era and Age of Heroes
- Extended Armies Era and Default Era
- Extended Kylandra
- Feudal Champions
- Feudal Champions + AoH
- Feudal Era
- Feudal Era + Default
- Forgotten Legends
- Forgotten Legends + Default
- Forgotten Legends Heroes
- Forgotten Legends Heroes + Default
- Forgotten Legends RPG
- Forgotten Legends Rebalanced
- GSE + Default
- GSE + Default
- GSE + Default
- GSE + Default
- GSE + Default
- GSE + EoMa
- GSE + EoMa (Age of Heroes)
- GSE + EoMa (RPG)
- Galactic Empires Era
- Goblin Football
- Golden Age of Kylandra
- Golden Age of Kylandra + Default
- Good vs evil era
- GrandCathay
- Half Civ (Research, Build)
- Halfelven:Braves [♕lvl2 ♙lvl1]
- Halfelven:Citizens [♕lvl1 ♙lvl0]
- Halfelven:Heroes [♕lvl3 ♙lvl2]
- Heroes of Amberan
- Heroes of Chaos
- Heroes of Chaos + Age of Heroes
- Heroes+Demons
- Heroes+Dunefolk+Demons
- Horrors RPG
- Imperial
- Imperial + Default
- Imperial Champions
- Imperial RPG
- Infection
- Infection (Age of Heroes)
- Invincible Conquest Era
- Ironriders
- LA RPG Era
- Ladder Era
- Ladder Test Era
- Lonely Era
- Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Lonely Era Heroes
- Lonely Era Heroes + Age of Heroes + Black Tide Heroes
- Lonely Era RPG
- Lords of Amberan
- Modern Combat Reborn Era 0.1.1
- Myths RPG
- Now Wesnoth
- PlatinumRealm Default
- Platoon Wars Era
- Random Units Era
- Rashy Era aoh
- Rashy Era default
- Rashy Era default extended
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of the Lords
- RotL + EoMa
- Royal Rumble Lvl 2
- SX RPG Era
- SXC Default Low Level Era
- Sanguine Era
- Shards Era
- Soul Order + Age of Heroes
- Soul Order + Default
- Southern only
- Steppefolk
- The American Civil War
- The Great Steppe Era
- The Great Steppe Era
- The Great Steppe Era
- The Great Steppe Era
- The Great Steppe Era
- The Great Steppe Era (Age of Heroes)
- The Great Steppe Era (Age of Heroes)
- The Great Steppe Era (Age of Heroes)
- The Great Steppe Era (Age of Heroes)
- The Great Steppe Era (Age of Heroes)
- The Great Steppe Era (RPG)
- The Great Steppe Era (RPG)
- The Great Steppe Era (RPG)
- The Great Steppe Era (RPG)
- The Great Steppe Era (RPG)
- The Greatest Quest
- The Punic Wars
- The War of Terrador
- UR Advanced
- UR Extended
- UR Standard
- UR Ultimate
- UR Wild Wes Showdown
- WL Era
- WL Era + Dunefolk
- War Of The Gods
- War Of The Gods - Random Recruits
- War Of The Gods - Rpg
- War of Legends Era
- War of Legends RPG
- Werewolf Era
- WoFL AoH
- WoFL default
- Zombie Apocalypse RPG
- default+WoFL
- česká éra
- česká éra + výchozí
- Rasė
- Dvarfai
- Elfai
- Goblinai
- Grifai
- Horses
- Kopų žmonėsKopų žmonės
- Dune Alchemist
- Kopų vaistininkas
- Dune Blademaster
- Kopų degintojas
- Dune Captain
- Dune Cataphract
- Kopų tyrinėtojas
- Dune Falconer
- Dune Firetrooper
- Dune Harrier
- Kopų žolininkas
- Dune Horse Archer
- Dune Luminary
- Kopų plėšikas
- Dune Paragon
- Dune Raider
- Dune Rider
- Dune Rover
- Dune Scorcher
- Dune Skirmisher
- Dune Sky Hunter
- Kopų karys
- Dune Spearguard
- Dune Spearmaster
- Dune Strider
- Dune Sunderer
- Kopų pėstininkas
- Kopų karvedys
- Dune Wayfarer
- Dune Windbolt
- Mechanizmai
- Miškiniai
- Nemirėliai
- Nágai
- Orkai
- PabaisosPabaisos
- Cave Bear
- Cuttlefish
- Fire Ant
- Ugninis drakonas
- Ugninis sargas
- Fire Wraith
- Frost Stoat
- Giant Ant
- Milžiniškas dumblašliaužys
- Milžiniška žiurkė
- Milžiniškas skorpionas
- Milžiniško skorpiono jauniklis
- Milžiniškas voras
- Great Icemonax
- Great Seahorse
- Horned Scarab
- Icemonax
- Jinn
- Dumblašliaužys
- Piglet
- Roc
- Rock Scorpion
- Jūros gyvatė
- Swamp Lizard
- Gilumos čiuptuvas
- Vandens gyvatė
- Wild Wyvern
- Woodland Boar
- Wyvern Rider
- Jeti
- Ropliai
- Sakalai
- Slibinai
- Troliai
- Vandeniai
- Vilkai
- Šikšnosparniai
- Žmogėdros
- ŽmonėsŽmonės
- Arkimagas
- Žudikas
- Banditas
- Lankininkas
- Kavaleristas
- Raitininkas
- Tamsos žinovas
- Tamsusis kerėtojas
- Dragūnas
- Dvikovininkas
- Vyresnysis magas
- Fechtuotojas
- Plėšikas
- Bėglys
- Generolas
- Didysis riteris
- Didysis maršalas
- Didysis magas
- Alebardininkas
- Sunkusis pėstininkas
- Kelių plėšikas
- Raitelis
- Medžiotojas
- Iron Mauler
- Patyręs ietininkas
- Riteris
- Ulonas
- Leitenantas
- Patyręs lankininkas
- Magas
- Šviesos magas
- Meistras lankininkas
- Ašmenų meistras
- Nekromantas
- Nusikaltėlis
- Paladinas
- Valstietis
- Šarvuotas ietininkas
- Brakonierius
- Bastūnas
- Raudonasis magas
- Niekšas
- Karališkasis gvardietis
- Karališkasis karys
- Chuliganas
- Seržantas
- Shock Trooper
- Sidabrinis magas
- Ietininkas
- Pėstininkas
- Vagis
- Užpuolikas
- Trapper
- Baltasis magas
- Miškininkas
- KalbaKalba
- Build Report
Goblinas persmeigėjas

Goblins are used by the orcs as skirmishers to disrupt the enemy’s battle line. Those who manage to survive their first few battles equip themselves with a long spear to compensate for their short reach, and better armor to guard their diminutive frames.

Advances from: | Goblinų ietininkas |
Advances to: | ‒ |
Cost: | 13 |
HP: | 26 |
Moves: | 5 |
XP: | 50 |
Lygis: | 1 |
Prigimtis: | chaotiškas |
Id: | Goblin Impaler |
Abilities: | ‒ |
Attacks (damage × count)
![]() | ietis | ![]() | 8 × 3 | ![]() | (pirmas smūgis) |
![]() | ietis | ![]() | 5 × 1 | ![]() |
![]() |
kirtimas | 0% | ![]() |
dūris | 0% | |
![]() |
smūgis | 0% | ![]() |
ugnis | 0% | |
![]() |
šaltis | 0% | ![]() |
paslaptinga | 0% |
Terrain | Movement Cost | Defense | |
![]() |
Gilus vanduo | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Grybai | 3 | 40% |
![]() |
Kaimas | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Kalnai | 2 | 60% |
![]() |
Kalvos | 1 | 50% |
![]() |
Miškas | 2 | 50% |
![]() |
Netikra uždanga | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Nevaikštoma | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Pakrantės uolynai | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Pelkė | 3 | 30% |
![]() |
Pilis | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Plokščia | 1 | 40% |
![]() |
Seklus vanduo | 3 | 20% |
![]() |
Smėlis | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Urvas | 2 | 40% |
![]() |
Užšalusi | 2 | 20% |
Last updated on Thu Feb 27 02:29:11 2025.