Δρκοειδές Φωτοβολίδας / Drake Flare

(image) (image)

Respected for the heat of their flame and revered for their charisma, Flares aspire to become great leaders of their people, both in war and in peace. Though a small isolated tribe will sometimes accept a Flare as a leader, they are more often seen leading small war parties or mediating disputes with a subtle hand.



Advances from: Δρακοειδές Καυστήρας
Advances to: Δρκοειδές Φλογοβόλος
Cost: 33
HP: 55
Moves: 5
XP: 86
Επίπεδο: 2
Νοοτροπία: lawful
Id: Drake Flare
Abilities: ηγεσία

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)war blade(blade attack) λεπίδα8 × 3(melee attack) σώμα με σώμα
(image)ανάσα φωτιάς(fire attack) φωτιά6 × 4(ranged attack) εξ αποστάσεως


(icon) λεπίδα10% (icon) τρύπημα-10%
(icon) κρούση20% (icon) φωτιά50%
(icon) κρύο-40% (icon) μυστηριακή-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Flat130%
(icon) Fungus240%
(icon) Άμμος140%
(icon) Αβαθή Νερά120%
(icon) Απάτητο140%
(icon) Βάλτος130%
(icon) Βαθιά Νερά220%
(icon) Βουνά140%
(icon) Δάσος140%
(icon) Κάστρο140%
(icon) Λόφοι140%
(icon) Παγωμένο220%
(icon) Παράκτιος Ύφαλος130%
(icon) Σπηλιά330%
(icon) Χωριό140%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:42:12 2024.