

The use of archery in shooting something other than game was seen from its inception, and archers have been indispensable in warfare since time immemorial. Usually of humble origins, hailing from the peasantry or woodsmen, military bowmen are trained to competence with both a bow and a short sword, and are very common on the battlefield.



Advances from: Χωρικός, Άνθρωπος των Δασών
Advances to: Μεγάλος Τοξότης
Cost: 14
HP: 33
Moves: 5
XP: 35
Επίπεδο: 1
Νοοτροπία: lawful
Id: Bowman

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)κοντό σπαθί(blade attack) λεπίδα5 × 2(melee attack) σώμα με σώμα
(image)τόξο(pierce attack) τρύπημα6 × 3(ranged attack) εξ αποστάσεως


(icon) λεπίδα0% (icon) τρύπημα0%
(icon) κρούση0% (icon) φωτιά0%
(icon) κρύο0% (icon) μυστηριακή10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Flat140%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) Άμμος230%
(icon) Αβαθή Νερά320%
(icon) Απάτητο0%
(icon) Βάλτος320%
(icon) Βαθιά Νερά0%
(icon) Βουνά360%
(icon) Δάσος250%
(icon) Κάστρο160%
(icon) Λόφοι250%
(icon) Παγωμένο320%
(icon) Παράκτιος Ύφαλος230%
(icon) Σπηλιά240%
(icon) Χωριό160%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:42:14 2024.