ראש שבט אורקי


A common misconception about the hierarchy of orcish clans is the notion that orcs only value brute strength. Although the leader of a smaller orcish troop may be the strongest fighter amongst them, the ruler of a large tribe has the difficult task of stifling internal feuding and in-fighting — something that cannot be accomplished by force alone. Such an orc is inevitably the most shrewd and perceptive among his peers and has won the respect of his brethren through leadership rather than coercion.



Advances from: מנהיג אורקי
Advances to: שליט אורקי
Cost: 45
HP: 60
Moves: 6
XP: 102
רמה: 2
נטייה: תוהו
Id: Orcish Ruler
Abilities: מנהיגות

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)חרב אדירה(blade attack) חותך9 × 3(melee attack) קפא"פ
(image)קשת מצולבת(pierce attack) חודר6 × 3(ranged attack) טווח רחוק


(icon) חותך0% (icon) חודר0%
(icon) מוחץ0% (icon) אש0%
(icon) קור0% (icon) כוח0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus340%
(icon) אלמוגים230%
(icon) בלתי הליך0%
(icon) גבעות150%
(icon) הרים260%
(icon) חול230%
(icon) טירה160%
(icon) יער250%
(icon) כפר160%
(icon) מי ביצה330%
(icon) מים עמוקים0%
(icon) מים רדודים320%
(icon) מערה240%
(icon) קפוא220%
(icon) שטוח140%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:25 2024.