שליט רעם גמדי


The Dwarven Thunderguards are famed for their curious weaponry, these strange staves of wood and iron that make a thunderous noise in their anger. The machinations behind this weaponry are a mystery, a secret taken to the grave by the dwarves of Knalga who wield them, and are assumed to have even forged them. The most that is known are reports of dwarves pouring a strange black dust into the mouth of their weapons, which some say is a food to fuel the beast imprisoned within.

Though a single shot from these ‘thundersticks’ can take several minutes to prepare, the results are seen by the Dwarves as being well worth the wait.



Advances from: אדון רעם גמדי
Advances to: אדון-דרקון גמדי
Cost: 24
HP: 47
Moves: 4
XP: 65
רמה: 2
נטייה: ניטרלי
Id: Dwarvish Thunderguard

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)פגיון(blade attack) חותך6 × 3(melee attack) קפא"פ
(image)מקל רעם(pierce attack) חודר28 × 1(ranged attack) טווח רחוק


(icon) חותך20% (icon) חודר20%
(icon) מוחץ20% (icon) אש10%
(icon) קור10% (icon) כוח10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus140%
(icon) אלמוגים230%
(icon) בלתי הליך0%
(icon) גבעות160%
(icon) הרים170%
(icon) חול130%
(icon) טירה160%
(icon) יער130%
(icon) כפר150%
(icon) מי ביצה320%
(icon) מים עמוקים0%
(icon) מים רדודים320%
(icon) מערה150%
(icon) קפוא230%
(icon) שטוח130%
Last updated on Fri Oct 25 00:42:51 2024.