אורקל לטאיש


Certain saurians are seen dressed in arcane regalia and covered head to toe in horrifying, esoteric shapes and markings, both with paint and tattoo. Some suspect them to be visionaries, or oracles amongst their ilk. But whatever ‘societal’ function they may have, they are undeniably powerful in the strange magics their kind possess, and are beings to be wary of if ever seen.



Advances from: נביא לטאיש
Advances to: Saurian Prophet
Cost: 28
HP: 29
Moves: 6
XP: 74
רמה: 2
נטייה: תוהו
Id: Saurian Oracle
Abilities: ריפוי +4

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)מקל(impact attack) מוחץ4 × 3(melee attack) קפא"פ
(image)קללה(cold attack) קור8 × 3(ranged attack) טווח רחוק(קסום)


(icon) חותך-10% (icon) חודר20%
(icon) מוחץ-10% (icon) אש-20%
(icon) קור-20% (icon) כוח10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus160%
(icon) אלמוגים240%
(icon) בלתי הליך0%
(icon) גבעות160%
(icon) הרים260%
(icon) חול160%
(icon) טירה160%
(icon) יער260%
(icon) כפר150%
(icon) מי ביצה160%
(icon) מים עמוקים0%
(icon) מים רדודים340%
(icon) מערה160%
(icon) קפוא430%
(icon) שטוח140%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:25 2024.