Death Squire


Sometimes the mightiest warriors and generals, cursed with hate and angst, came back to this world as Death Knights. Death Squires serve them whilst accruing enough unholy power to become Death Knights. In the process they pick up a good deal of the Knight’s power, including the ability to command underlings.



Advances from:
Advances to: Hiệp sĩ chết chóc
Cost: 32
HP: 44
Moves: 5
XP: 90
Cấp độ: 2
Phân loại: hỗn độn
Id: Death Squire
Abilities: lãnh đạo, lặn

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)rìu(blade attack) chém9 × 3(melee attack) cận chiến

Sức kháng cự

(icon) chém40% (icon) đâm60%
(icon) va đập-20% (icon) lửa-20%
(icon) lạnh60% (icon) bí kíp-20%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Cát230%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Hang động240%
(icon) Không thể đi bộ qua0%
(icon) Làng160%
(icon) Lâu đài160%
(icon) Núi360%
(icon) Nước nông220%
(icon) Nước sâu310%
(icon) Nấm260%
(icon) Rừng250%
(icon) Đá ngầm ven biển230%
(icon) Đóng băng230%
(icon) Đất phẳng140%
(icon) Đầm lầy230%
(icon) Đồi250%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:45:57 2024.