Plėšikas / Plėšikė

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These petty criminals are often derisively called ‘footpads’ by their superiors, for they are tasked with any job that requires a great deal of running around, often being employed as couriers, or scouts. The endurance and agility they gain from this serves them well in combat, and despite their inferior weaponry they are quite good at harrying their enemies, especially under cover of darkness.



Advances from: Chuliganas
Advances to: Nusikaltėlis
Cost: 14
HP: 30
Moves: 7
XP: 35
Lygis: 1
Prigimtis: chaotiškas
Id: Footpad

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)vėzdas(impact attack) smūgis4 × 2(melee attack) peštynės
(image)svaidyklė(impact attack) smūgis5 × 2(ranged attack) šaudymas


(icon) kirtimas-30% (icon) dūris-20%
(icon) smūgis-20% (icon) ugnis0%
(icon) šaltis0% (icon) paslaptinga10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Gilus vanduo0%
(icon) Grybai270%
(icon) Kaimas170%
(icon) Kalnai370%
(icon) Kalvos270%
(icon) Miškas270%
(icon) Netikra uždanga0%
(icon) Nevaikštoma0%
(icon) Pakrantės uolynai250%
(icon) Pelkė240%
(icon) Pilis170%
(icon) Plokščia160%
(icon) Seklus vanduo240%
(icon) Smėlis240%
(icon) Urvas250%
(icon) Užšalusi240%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:44:06 2024.