Trolis akmensvaidys


The thought of throwing a boulder in combat has certainly occurred to many trolls, and some have taken to them as a weapon of choice. Because stones well-shaped to fly true are not always easy to find, Rocklobbers have taken to carrying them in sacks slung over their shoulders. The same leather out of which the sack is formed is easily adapted to a crude sling.



Advances from: Trolių jauniklis
Advances to:
Cost: 25
HP: 53
Moves: 5
XP: 100
Lygis: 2
Prigimtis: chaotiškas
Id: Troll Rocklobber
Abilities: regeneruoja

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)kumštis(impact attack) smūgis10 × 2(melee attack) peštynės
(image)svaidyklė(impact attack) smūgis19 × 1(ranged attack) šaudymas


(icon) kirtimas20% (icon) dūris20%
(icon) smūgis0% (icon) ugnis0%
(icon) šaltis0% (icon) paslaptinga-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Gilus vanduo0%
(icon) Grybai250%
(icon) Kaimas140%
(icon) Kalnai260%
(icon) Kalvos150%
(icon) Miškas240%
(icon) Netikra uždanga0%
(icon) Nevaikštoma0%
(icon) Pakrantės uolynai230%
(icon) Pelkė220%
(icon) Pilis140%
(icon) Plokščia130%
(icon) Seklus vanduo220%
(icon) Smėlis230%
(icon) Urvas140%
(icon) Užšalusi220%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:44:08 2024.