Fàistinnear laghairt


Saurians are known to have some strange skills, arts bordering on the magical and mysterious. It is clear that some of them are particularly skilled at a sort of medicine, which is of great benefit whenever battle is brought against them.



Advances from: Fiosaiche laghairt
Advances to: Saurian Seer
Cost: 29
HP: 29
Moves: 7
XP: 66
Rang: 2
Co-thaobhadh: coimeasgach
Id: Saurian Soothsayer
Abilities: leigheas, slànachadh +8

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)bata(impact attack) bualadh5 × 3(melee attack) dlùth
(image)mallachd(cold attack) fuachd6 × 3(ranged attack) astar(draoidheach)


(icon) lann-10% (icon) bioradh20%
(icon) bualadh-10% (icon) teine-20%
(icon) fuachd-20% (icon) dìomhair10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Baile150%
(icon) Balgain-bhuachair160%
(icon) Beanntan260%
(icon) Boglach160%
(icon) Caisteal160%
(icon) Cnuic160%
(icon) Coille260%
(icon) Do-choiseach0%
(icon) Gaineamh160%
(icon) Reòite430%
(icon) Riof cladaich240%
(icon) Rèidh140%
(icon) Sgleò mas-fhìor0%
(icon) Tanalach340%
(icon) Uamh160%
(icon) Uisge domhain0%
Last updated on Fri Oct 25 00:42:40 2024.