

There once was an elf by the name of Beirand, who set out on a journey to a distant land.
Thirteen days he rode, no rest did he take, ‘til a nymph’s abode he entered, ‘side a lake.
“Look there, Narya!” Came a cry of glee, “Do thee spy that yonder apple tree?”
The response, a neigh, she jumped with delight, then off she skipped in a canter spright.
Not a moment passed ‘ere a gusting blast, blew all around, an airy voice cast:
“Hold there, thee elf, this grove is mine — no fruit shall I yield you, nor your equine.”
Next came the reply, “Please grant us respite. Long have we travel’d; surely see thee our plight!”
“Fatigue, I perceive, that is your case, but to earn my grace, let’s have a race.”
To this, the rider did consent, and toward the tree, then off they went.
A howl, a rush, a flying gale, the wind left the rider back on its tail.
But in a flashing streak, a gallop sleek, horse and rider past the wind did barely squeak.
In augmented time, back and forth they sped, ‘til at last, fleet elf arrived ahead.
“Well done,” spake the spirit, as she blew in, “my grace I shall grant thee and all of your kin.”
Beirand and Narya thus took their leave, bearing evermore, the nymph’s reprieve.

The truth of this tale, one can only surmise, but doubtless, Outriders the fastest do comprise.



Advances from: Вестник
Advances to:
Cost: 58
HP: 60
Moves: 11
XP: 150
Уровень: 3
Тип: нейтральный
Id: Elvish Outrider

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)меч(blade attack) режущий8 × 4(melee attack) ближний
(image)лук(pierce attack) колющий11 × 3(ranged attack) дальний


(icon) режущий0% (icon) колющий-20%
(icon) крушащий0% (icon) огонь0%
(icon) холод0% (icon) мистический-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Береговой риф230%
(icon) Болото230%
(icon) Глубокая вода0%
(icon) Горы360%
(icon) Грибы250%
(icon) Деревня160%
(icon) Замок160%
(icon) Лес160%
(icon) Мерзлота230%
(icon) Непроходимая местность0%
(icon) Отмель320%
(icon) Песок230%
(icon) Пещера330%
(icon) Равнина140%
(icon) Фальшивая пелена0%
(icon) Холмы250%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:45:02 2024.