Naga Sicarius / Nagini Sicarius

(image) (image)

While they sometimes still stand in as sellswords for potential Dunefolk allies, Naga Sicarii are more often the keepers of trade routes and resource beds close to waterways. For the right fee or exchange of goods, a Sicarius will guarantee safe travel or free access to valuable supplies in his territory. Rubbed the wrong way and a Sicarius becomes a fearsome foe, not because of their personal strength in combat, but instead due to the numerous allies that he can call upon to quash any potential nuisance. Though perfectly capable warriors when the time is necessary, these experienced mercenaries know perfectly well that the best methods for generating money are those that do not place themselves in danger. When they do find themselves in danger, their manipulative cunning is put to good use, for they can anticipate many enemy strikes, and use their heavy, curved blade to deflect or distract at the critical moment.



Advances from: Naga Ophidian
Advances to:
Cost: 46
HP: 53
Moves: 7
XP: 150
Level: 3
Golongan: netral
Id: Naga Sicarius

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)curved blade(blade attack) senjata tajam6 × 3(melee attack) serangan jarak dekat(deflect)
(image)jarid(pierce attack) tusukan13 × 3(ranged attack) serangan jarak jauh

Daya Tahan

(icon) senjata tajam0% (icon) tusukan0%
(icon) peremuk0% (icon) api0%
(icon) dingin0% (icon) misterius0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Beku220%
(icon) Bukit340%
(icon) Datar250%
(icon) Desa140%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus240%
(icon) Gua240%
(icon) Gunung540%
(icon) Hutan340%
(icon) Istana250%
(icon) Pantai Berbatu Karang270%
(icon) Pasir160%
(icon) Perairan Dalam150%
(icon) Perairan Dangkal160%
(icon) Rawa160%
(icon) Tak Terlewati0%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:40 2024.