Elf Peri


As an elf maiden entwines herself more and more with nature, the essence of earth begins to transform her body. The butterfly wings that sprout on the back of a Shyde are a direct manifestation of her connection to the faerie, granting her their characteristic ethereal aura of both serenity and fear. Shydes are masters of the mundane, guided by a power which is little understood, yet greatly respected by others of their kind. Often mistaken for true faerie or ‘forest spirits’, these stewards of the forests epitomize their people’s mysterious connection with the natural order.



Advances from: Elf Cenayang
Advances to:
Cost: 58
HP: 51
Moves: 6
XP: 150
Level: 3
Golongan: netral
Id: Elvish Shyde
Abilities: menyembuhkan, Mengobati +8

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)sentuhan peri(impact attack) peremuk7 × 2(melee attack) serangan jarak dekat(Ilmu Sihir)
(image)membelit(impact attack) peremuk7 × 3(ranged attack) serangan jarak jauh(memperlambat)
(image)duri-duri(pierce attack) tusukan10 × 3(ranged attack) serangan jarak jauh(Ilmu Sihir)

Daya Tahan

(icon) senjata tajam0% (icon) tusukan0%
(icon) peremuk0% (icon) api0%
(icon) dingin0% (icon) misterius-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Beku140%
(icon) Bukit150%
(icon) Datar150%
(icon) Desa160%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) Gua230%
(icon) Gunung260%
(icon) Hutan170%
(icon) Istana160%
(icon) Pantai Berbatu Karang150%
(icon) Pasir140%
(icon) Perairan Dalam230%
(icon) Perairan Dangkal140%
(icon) Rawa140%
(icon) Tak Terlewati230%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:37 2024.