Dune Alchemist


To the Dunefolk, alchemy is less a form of philosophy or science, and more an extension of the phytology that is practiced by herbalists. However, in contrast to their brethren’s focus on herbs for medicine and healing, many alchemists utilize various plants and naturally occurring venoms to concoct lethal poisons. While useful for weakening tough enemies, this art is viewed warily by other Dunefolk as a potent means for espionage and assassination. At the same time, such a tool presents a tremendous political advantage, so much so that almost every caravan will hire or train a few alchemists to maintain a reasonable level of threat at all times.



Advances from: Dune Herbalist
Advances to:
Cost: 27
HP: 41
Moves: 5
XP: 100
Level: 2
Golongan: liminal
Id: Dune Alchemist
Abilities: memulihkan

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)gada(impact attack) peremuk9 × 3(melee attack) serangan jarak dekat
(image)blowgun(pierce attack) tusukan7 × 2(ranged attack) serangan jarak jauh(meracuni)

Daya Tahan

(icon) senjata tajam-10% (icon) tusukan0%
(icon) peremuk0% (icon) api0%
(icon) dingin0% (icon) misterius10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Beku320%
(icon) Bukit260%
(icon) Datar140%
(icon) Desa160%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) Gua240%
(icon) Gunung260%
(icon) Hutan240%
(icon) Istana160%
(icon) Pantai Berbatu Karang230%
(icon) Pasir140%
(icon) Perairan Dalam0%
(icon) Perairan Dangkal320%
(icon) Rawa230%
(icon) Tak Terlewati0%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:36 2024.