Dune Rover


Originating from the nomadic wanderers of the open deserts, rovers are the representation of the most well-balanced Dunefolk soldier: flexible, mobile, equally effective in defense and offense as well as in ranged or close combat. They are experienced hunters and trackers, hardy inhabitants of the deserts and hills that they call home. While lacking training as formal troops, the skills these rovers employ for survival in the desert translate readily to warfare. Their unique trait of fighting best at dawn or dusk corresponds with the time when desert temperatures are the most habitable.



Advances from:
Advances to: Dune Explorer
Cost: 14
HP: 33
Moves: 5
XP: 40
Szint: 1
Beállítottság: ingatag
Id: Dune Rover

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)bárd(blade attack) vágás4 × 3(melee attack) közelharc
(image)Reflexíj(pierce attack) szúrás5 × 3(ranged attack) távolsági harc


(icon) vágás0% (icon) szúrás0%
(icon) ütés0% (icon) tűz0%
(icon) hideg0% (icon) földöntúli10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Barlang240%
(icon) Dombság260%
(icon) Erdő250%
(icon) Falu160%
(icon) Gomba250%
(icon) Hamis eltakarás0%
(icon) Hegyvidék260%
(icon) Homok150%
(icon) Járhatatlan terület0%
(icon) Jégvidék320%
(icon) Mocsár230%
(icon) Mély víz0%
(icon) Sekély víz320%
(icon) Síkság140%
(icon) Várkastély160%
(icon) Zátony230%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:31 2024.