White Horse


Some horses have a white color, and they are merely white horses. But there exist a special breed, found only in the wild woods, that are White Horses. As if blessed by the faerie world, they have a grace and agility not found in their more common relatives.



Advances from:
Advances to:
Cost: 16
HP: 31
Moves: 9
XP: 50
Szint: 1
Beállítottság: semleges
Id: White Horse

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)hooves(impact attack) ütés8 × 2(melee attack) közelharc


(icon) vágás0% (icon) szúrás-20%
(icon) ütés0% (icon) tűz0%
(icon) hideg0% (icon) földöntúli0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Barlang330%
(icon) Dombság250%
(icon) Erdő160%
(icon) Falu140%
(icon) Gomba250%
(icon) Hamis eltakarás0%
(icon) Hegyvidék360%
(icon) Homok230%
(icon) Járhatatlan terület0%
(icon) Jégvidék230%
(icon) Mocsár230%
(icon) Mély víz0%
(icon) Sekély víz320%
(icon) Síkság140%
(icon) Várkastély160%
(icon) Zátony230%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:34 2024.