Dune Marauder


Some find themselves well suited to the life of a raider and may even form their own clans with like-minded individuals. Ever roaming the deserts for unwary travelers or vulnerable caravans, these horsemen make their livelihood off scavenging and pilfering. Having no particular specialty, marauders are neither the strongest warriors, nor the most dextrous archers, but are nevertheless among the most dangerous enemies out in the desert due to their sheer maneuverability. A coordinated marauder attack can wipe out medium-sized camps before any response is possible, and guerrilla tactics may allow them to prevail against stronger foes where brute force does not. For this reason, they are sometimes hired by small armies or wealthier caravans as a deterrent to unwanted raids.



Advances from: Dune Raider
Advances to:
Cost: 60
HP: 58
Moves: 9
XP: 150
Szint: 3
Beállítottság: törvénytelen
Id: Dune Marauder

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)fáklya(fire attack) tűz11 × 3(melee attack) közelharc
(image)íj(pierce attack) szúrás10 × 3(ranged attack) távolsági harc


(icon) vágás20% (icon) szúrás-20%
(icon) ütés20% (icon) tűz0%
(icon) hideg0% (icon) földöntúli10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Barlang330%
(icon) Dombság260%
(icon) Erdő340%
(icon) Falu140%
(icon) Gomba340%
(icon) Hamis eltakarás0%
(icon) Hegyvidék350%
(icon) Homok140%
(icon) Járhatatlan terület0%
(icon) Jégvidék230%
(icon) Mocsár420%
(icon) Mély víz0%
(icon) Sekély víz420%
(icon) Síkság140%
(icon) Várkastély160%
(icon) Zátony330%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:31 2024.