Faobhar bàis


In life, the abominations known as ‘Deathblades’ were masters of combat, soldiers who were both lithe and deadly. Their new masters, recognizing this, outfit them to match the skills they once had. Though frail, these monsters are much faster than the rest of their kind, both on foot and with their blades.



Advances from: Cnàimhneach
Advances to:
Cost: 34
HP: 39
Moves: 6
XP: 100
Rang: 2
Co-thaobhadh: coimeasgach
Id: Deathblade
Abilities: bàthadh

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)tuagh(blade attack) lann8 × 5(melee attack) dlùth


(icon) lann40% (icon) bioradh60%
(icon) bualadh-20% (icon) teine-20%
(icon) fuachd60% (icon) dìomhair-20%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Baile160%
(icon) Balgain-bhuachair260%
(icon) Beanntan360%
(icon) Boglach230%
(icon) Caisteal160%
(icon) Cnuic250%
(icon) Coille250%
(icon) Do-choiseach0%
(icon) Gaineamh230%
(icon) Reòite230%
(icon) Riof cladaich230%
(icon) Rèidh140%
(icon) Sgleò mas-fhìor0%
(icon) Tanalach220%
(icon) Uamh240%
(icon) Uisge domhain310%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:12 2024.