

Highwaymen have gained an infamous reputation for underhanded deeds of violence. Ready to hire themselves out to whoever will pay the most, they lead bands of lesser rogues against their employer’s enemies, often attacking on lonely roads or in the dead of night. Their experience with such encounters makes them deadly foes in hand to hand combat.



Advances from: Spùinneadair
Advances to:
Cost: 46
HP: 70
Moves: 5
XP: 150
Rang: 3
Co-thaobhadh: coimeasgach
Id: Highwayman

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)reul-na-maidne(impact attack) bualadh11 × 4(melee attack) dlùth


(icon) lann0% (icon) bioradh0%
(icon) bualadh0% (icon) teine0%
(icon) fuachd0% (icon) dìomhair10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Baile160%
(icon) Balgain-bhuachair250%
(icon) Beanntan360%
(icon) Boglach320%
(icon) Caisteal160%
(icon) Cnuic250%
(icon) Coille250%
(icon) Do-choiseach0%
(icon) Gaineamh230%
(icon) Reòite320%
(icon) Riof cladaich230%
(icon) Rèidh140%
(icon) Sgleò mas-fhìor0%
(icon) Tanalach320%
(icon) Uamh240%
(icon) Uisge domhain0%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:09 2024.