Dune Rider


The Dunefolk are prominent horse breeders who raise many different varieties of mounts to fulfill various purposes. Those who are used for hard labor are bred for power, while those for journeys or caravans are bred for endurance. For warfare, a mix of traits is usually best, though the ability to easily and rapidly traverse sand is of utmost importance. The riders of these horses primarily function as scouts and messengers, or occasionally as supporting forces for weakened lines. The crucial trait of maneuverability is what allows these horsemen to be so effective and versatile out on the rolling dunes.



Advances from:
Advances to: Dune Raider, Dune Horse Archer, Dune Sunderer
Cost: 18
HP: 33
Moves: 8
XP: 49
ниво: 1
поредак: двојствен
Id: Dune Rider

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)топуз(impact attack) удар5 × 2(melee attack) блиски
(image)composite bow(pierce attack) пробој5 × 3(ranged attack) одступни


(icon) сјечиво0% (icon) пробој-20%
(icon) удар10% (icon) ватра0%
(icon) мраз0% (icon) волшебни10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus340%
(icon) брда260%
(icon) дубока вода0%
(icon) замак160%
(icon) клизавица230%
(icon) мочвара420%
(icon) обалски гребен330%
(icon) пећина330%
(icon) пијесак140%
(icon) планине360%
(icon) плитка вода420%
(icon) равница140%
(icon) расцеп0%
(icon) село140%
(icon) шума340%
Last updated on Fri Sep 20 02:17:08 2024.