

Sometimes called the ‘hollow men’, spectres form the right arm of their masters’ powers. They are an unholy terror to the living, for they are quite as deadly as their appearance suggests.

The creation of these is itself no mean feat, but the real danger in encountering one is that it is likely only the harbinger of a much more dangerous force that will follow in its wake.



Advances from: Dvasia
Advances to:
Cost: 78
HP: 33
Moves: 7
XP: 150
Lygis: 3
Prigimtis: chaotiškas
Id: Spectre

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)baneblade(arcane attack) paslaptinga9 × 4(melee attack) peštynės(išsiurbia)
(image)klyksmas(cold attack) šaltis6 × 3(ranged attack) šaudymas


(icon) kirtimas50% (icon) dūris50%
(icon) smūgis50% (icon) ugnis10%
(icon) šaltis70% (icon) paslaptinga-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Gilus vanduo250%
(icon) Grybai150%
(icon) Kaimas150%
(icon) Kalnai150%
(icon) Kalvos150%
(icon) Miškas150%
(icon) Netikra uždanga0%
(icon) Nevaikštoma150%
(icon) Pakrantės uolynai250%
(icon) Pelkė150%
(icon) Pilis150%
(icon) Plokščia150%
(icon) Seklus vanduo250%
(icon) Smėlis150%
(icon) Urvas150%
(icon) Užšalusi150%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:44:08 2024.