

Despite the heavy importance placed on combat prowess by most orcs, very few tribes have any semblance of formal training in any of the warring arts. Because of this, orcish bowmen are rather ineffective at wielding longbows pilfered from human or elven archers, instead preferring to arm themselves with more easily handled crossbows. Simplistic but potent, these weapons can still be deadly even when handled roughly by inexperienced warriors.



Advances from: орко-стријелац
Advances to: орко-љигалук
Cost: 22
HP: 46
Moves: 5
XP: 43
ниво: 2
поредак: хаотичан
Id: Orcish Crossbowman

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)кратки мач(blade attack) сјечиво6 × 3(melee attack) блиски
(image)самостријел(pierce attack) пробој9 × 3(ranged attack) одступни
(image)самостријел(fire attack) ватра10 × 2(ranged attack) одступни


(icon) сјечиво0% (icon) пробој0%
(icon) удар0% (icon) ватра0%
(icon) мраз0% (icon) волшебни0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus340%
(icon) брда150%
(icon) дубока вода0%
(icon) замак160%
(icon) клизавица220%
(icon) мочвара330%
(icon) обалски гребен230%
(icon) пећина240%
(icon) пијесак230%
(icon) планине260%
(icon) плитка вода320%
(icon) равница140%
(icon) расцеп0%
(icon) село160%
(icon) шума250%
Last updated on Fri Oct 25 00:44:46 2024.