Рейдер дюн


Though rarely found in organized armies, raiders are a staple among the nomadic Dunefolk, who regularly ambush rival caravans and camps at night. In these scenarios, raw power is of little concern. The greatest importance is placed on speed — striking quickly and spreading as much chaos as possible in the shortest time possible allows these riders to get in and out of the blitz without fear of counterattack. Raiders are the fastest of the Dunefolk, capable of outpacing nearly anything they might encounter in the sandy deserts.



Advances from: Наїзник дюн
Advances to: Мародер дюн
Cost: 35
HP: 45
Moves: 9
XP: 77
Рівень: 2
Тип: хаотичний
Id: Dune Raider

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)факел(fire attack) вогнем8 × 3(melee attack) ближня
(image)лук(pierce attack) колючий7 × 3(ranged attack) дальня


(icon) ріжучий10% (icon) колючий-20%
(icon) ударний10% (icon) вогнем0%
(icon) холодом0% (icon) містичний10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Болото420%
(icon) Глибока вода0%
(icon) Гори350%
(icon) Грибниця340%
(icon) Замок160%
(icon) Ліс340%
(icon) Мерзлота230%
(icon) Мілка вода420%
(icon) Пагорби260%
(icon) Печера330%
(icon) Прибережний риф330%
(icon) Провалля0%
(icon) Пісок140%
(icon) Рівнина140%
(icon) Село140%
(icon) Фальшива пелена0%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:45:48 2024.