Гнідий кінь


Bay horses are defined more by their coloration than their size or temperament, and can be found anywhere from the battlefield to the farm to the wild plains and woodlands. Though an unencumbered horse will tend to flee if possible, they will fight back with a powerful kick when cornered.



Advances from:
Advances to: Великий кінь
Cost: 16
HP: 30
Moves: 8
XP: 24
Рівень: 1
Тип: нейтральний
Id: Bay Horse

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)копита(impact attack) ударний10 × 2(melee attack) ближня


(icon) ріжучий0% (icon) колючий-20%
(icon) ударний10% (icon) вогнем0%
(icon) холодом0% (icon) містичний10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Болото420%
(icon) Глибока вода0%
(icon) Гори0%
(icon) Грибниця420%
(icon) Замок140%
(icon) Ліс330%
(icon) Мерзлота230%
(icon) Мілка вода420%
(icon) Пагорби250%
(icon) Печера420%
(icon) Прибережний риф330%
(icon) Провалля0%
(icon) Пісок230%
(icon) Рівнина140%
(icon) Село140%
(icon) Фальшива пелена0%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:45:50 2024.