Great Icemonax


Icemonax are a strange beast of the frozen north, best described as a large, armored ground squirrel. Their armor accumulates ice and snow, even when the climate is warm and dry. Some Icemonax grow to be quite large and powerful, guarding their smaller, younger kin.



Advances from:
Advances to:
Cost: 26
HP: 56
Moves: 5
XP: 100
ниво: 2
поредак: неутралан
Id: Great Icemonax

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)канџе(blade attack) сјечиво9 × 3(melee attack) блиски
(image)угриз(cold attack) мраз13 × 2(melee attack) блиски
(image)реп(impact attack) удар23 × 1(melee attack) блиски


(icon) сјечиво30% (icon) пробој40%
(icon) удар20% (icon) ватра30%
(icon) мраз50% (icon) волшебни0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) брда150%
(icon) дубока вода0%
(icon) замак140%
(icon) клизавица150%
(icon) мочвара220%
(icon) обалски гребен230%
(icon) пећина140%
(icon) пијесак230%
(icon) планине260%
(icon) плитка вода220%
(icon) равница130%
(icon) расцеп0%
(icon) село140%
(icon) шума240%
Last updated on Fri Oct 25 00:44:45 2024.