

While the ferocity and danger of direwolves makes them somewhat of an omen to most, the diminutive goblins have an unusual bond with these savage creatures. While it is beyond the abilities of goblins to tame these beasts, a certain amount of respect can be achieved between the two if a daring goblin chooses to live among the wolves and care for a pup from a young age. Having recognized said goblin as one of their own, a direwolf may then permit the goblin to ride it.

The claws of a wolf are not generally regarded as being the more dangerous parts, but on a beast this large, they are thicker and longer than iron nails. Their riders smear a poison on the front set, not unlike that used by the orcish assassins, making a swipe from these beasts’ paws into a most deadly stroke.



Advances from: гобли-витез
Advances to:
Cost: 52
HP: 61
Moves: 10
XP: 150
ниво: 3
поредак: хаотичан
Id: Direwolf Rider

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)очњаци(blade attack) сјечиво9 × 4(melee attack) блиски
(image)канџе(blade attack) сјечиво4 × 4(melee attack) блиски(отров)


(icon) сјечиво0% (icon) пробој0%
(icon) удар0% (icon) ватра0%
(icon) мраз0% (icon) волшебни0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus340%
(icon) брда150%
(icon) дубока вода0%
(icon) замак160%
(icon) клизавица220%
(icon) мочвара330%
(icon) обалски гребен230%
(icon) пећина240%
(icon) пијесак230%
(icon) планине260%
(icon) плитка вода320%
(icon) равница140%
(icon) расцеп0%
(icon) село160%
(icon) шума250%
Last updated on Fri Oct 25 00:44:44 2024.