Dune Luminary


On the surface, it is not entirely clear what distinguishes a Luminary from other healers among the Dunefolk. Certainly, a Luminary may be marginally more knowledgeable, well-traveled, or skilled in combat compared to normal herbalists or apothecaries, but the difference is usually modest at best. Nevertheless, ‘Luminary’ is a formal title granted to the highest order of Dunefolk healers and bestows these men both the greatest esteem and the greatest envy.

There is some speculation that a secret order exists among the Luminaries. These so called ‘Eminents’ hoard a great deal of forbidden knowledge and advise many Dunefolk leaders from the shadows. Such a thing has never been proven, but the fact remains that some Luminaries seem to hold much more influence than their abilities should afford.



Advances from: Dune Apothecary
Advances to:
Cost: 38
HP: 52
Moves: 5
XP: 150
ниво: 3
поредак: двојствен
Id: Dune Luminary
Abilities: исцјељивање, лијечење +8, regenerates +4

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)топуз(impact attack) удар9 × 4(melee attack) блиски


(icon) сјечиво-10% (icon) пробој20%
(icon) удар0% (icon) ватра0%
(icon) мраз0% (icon) волшебни10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) брда260%
(icon) дубока вода0%
(icon) замак160%
(icon) клизавица320%
(icon) мочвара230%
(icon) обалски гребен230%
(icon) пећина240%
(icon) пијесак140%
(icon) планине260%
(icon) плитка вода320%
(icon) равница140%
(icon) расцеп0%
(icon) село160%
(icon) шума240%
Last updated on Fri Oct 25 00:44:43 2024.