Broder av Lyset / Søster av Lyset

(image) (image)

Some magi, as they learn about the world around them, and learn the truth of the suffering and squalor in which humanity too often lives, find that they cannot bring themselves to be cloistered into a life of study. These men and women give up the life of a mage, and join monastic orders, dedicating the skills they have been given to the good of all. After their ordination, they often travel the world, ministering to sickness and injury.

Though not trained for combat, they are a potent ally against magical or unnatural things.



Advances from: Magiker
Advances to: Fader av Lyset
Cost: 31
HP: 35
Moves: 5
XP: 75
Level: 2
Sinnelag: lovlydig
Id: White Mage
Abilities: kurerer, helbreder +8

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)stav(impact attack) slag6 × 2(melee attack) nærkamp
(image)lysstråle(arcane attack) arkan9 × 3(ranged attack) avstand(magisk)


(icon) hugg0% (icon) stikk0%
(icon) slag0% (icon) ild0%
(icon) frost0% (icon) arkan30%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Dypt vann0%
(icon) Fjell360%
(icon) Flate140%
(icon) Frossen320%
(icon) Grotte240%
(icon) Grundt vann320%
(icon) Ikke gangbart0%
(icon) Kunstig skodde0%
(icon) Kystrev230%
(icon) Landsby160%
(icon) Sand230%
(icon) Skog250%
(icon) Slott160%
(icon) Sopp250%
(icon) Sump320%
(icon) Åser250%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:44:29 2024.