Naga / Nagine

(image) (image)

The serpentine naga are one of the few races capable of any meaningful mobility in water, giving them mastery of a whole world effectively forbidden to land dwellers. Still, they are not true creatures of the sea, and their inability to breathe water leaves them in trepidation of the abyss. They are small, and somewhat frail in form, but often much more nimble than their opponents.



Advances from:
Advances to: Sverddanser
Cost: 14
HP: 33
Moves: 7
XP: 33
Level: 1
Sinnelag: nøytral
Id: Naga Fighter

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)sverd(blade attack) hugg4 × 4(melee attack) nærkamp


(icon) hugg0% (icon) stikk0%
(icon) slag0% (icon) ild0%
(icon) frost0% (icon) arkan0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Dypt vann150%
(icon) Fjell540%
(icon) Flate230%
(icon) Frossen220%
(icon) Grotte240%
(icon) Grundt vann160%
(icon) Ikke gangbart0%
(icon) Kunstig skodde0%
(icon) Kystrev270%
(icon) Landsby140%
(icon) Sand140%
(icon) Skog340%
(icon) Slott250%
(icon) Sopp240%
(icon) Sump160%
(icon) Åser340%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:44:30 2024.