

Master woodsmen are useful allies to any army, and indispensable for any sizable group of people living in the wilderness. They can track both man and beast, notice things most others would overlook, and are often the only ones who can find food for the table, be it animal or vegetable.

Their skill at hunting is very useful in combat, and also leaves them unusually competent at night, and in forests and swamps.



Advances from: Krypskytter
Advances to: Jeger, Vandrer
Cost: 21
HP: 49
Moves: 5
XP: 73
Level: 2
Sinnelag: kaotisk
Id: Trapper

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)dolk(blade attack) hugg5 × 4(melee attack) nærkamp
(image)bue(pierce attack) stikk6 × 4(ranged attack) avstand


(icon) hugg0% (icon) stikk0%
(icon) slag0% (icon) ild0%
(icon) frost0% (icon) arkan10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Dypt vann0%
(icon) Fjell360%
(icon) Flate140%
(icon) Frossen320%
(icon) Grotte240%
(icon) Grundt vann320%
(icon) Ikke gangbart0%
(icon) Kunstig skodde0%
(icon) Kystrev230%
(icon) Landsby160%
(icon) Sand230%
(icon) Skog260%
(icon) Slott160%
(icon) Sopp250%
(icon) Sump250%
(icon) Åser250%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:44:29 2024.