

The Jinn are mysterious spirits, with no known relation to souls of the departed. They are often sighted from a distance, drifting across the desert hills and dunes, but defy close observation. Almost all recorded encounters have been of a hostile nature, but there have been instances where travelers felt the Jinn were watching over them, driving off malign forces of the night.



Advances from:
Advances to:
Cost: 53
HP: 58
Moves: 6
XP: 100
Nivell: 2
Alineació: liminal
Id: Jinn

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)urpes(blade attack) talla6 × 2(melee attack) melé
(image)desert windblast(impact attack) impacta7 × 4(ranged attack) distància
(image)desert lightning(fire attack) foc20 × 1(ranged attack) distància(màgic)


(icon) talla20% (icon) perfora30%
(icon) impacta0% (icon) foc20%
(icon) fred-20% (icon) arcà0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Aigua baixa350%
(icon) Aigua profunda450%
(icon) Bosc150%
(icon) Castell150%
(icon) Cova140%
(icon) Fong150%
(icon) Gelat150%
(icon) Impracticable150%
(icon) Llogaret150%
(icon) Muntanyes150%
(icon) Pantà150%
(icon) Plana150%
(icon) Sorra150%
(icon) Trieu costaner350%
(icon) Turons150%
(icon) Vel fals0%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:41:52 2024.