এল্ফ জাদুকরী


Elven magic most commonly diverges among two paths — manipulation of the natural, or corporeal world, and divination into the arcane plane. The latter, as a power that is difficult to control and ill-understood even by most of its practitioners, is not often sought after by the Elves. Wielders of the arcane face significant risk in studying the volatile nature of their discipline and quickly learn to respect the disruptive power of their craft. This destructive nature most commonly manifests itself as gouts of ‘faerie fire’, which is among the most readily mastered skills for an Elvish sorceress. While a rather superficial application of this art, the Elves nonetheless hold the arcane flame in high regard and are careful to utilize it with judicious caution.



Advances from: এল্ফ শামান
Advances to: এল্ফ মোহিনী
Cost: 34
HP: 41
Moves: 5
XP: 90
পর্যায়: 2
স্বভাব: নিরপেক্ষ
Id: Elvish Sorceress

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)দন্ড(impact attack) ভোঁতা অস্ত্র4 × 2(melee attack) নিকট
(image)জালে জড়ানো(impact attack) ভোঁতা অস্ত্র4 × 3(ranged attack) দূর(ধীর করে)
(image)পরীর আগুন(arcane attack) অলৌকিক7 × 4(ranged attack) দূর(জাদু)


(icon) ধারালো অস্ত্র0% (icon) ভেদ্য0%
(icon) ভোঁতা অস্ত্র0% (icon) অগ্নি0%
(icon) শীতল0% (icon) অলৌকিক0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) অগভীর জল320%
(icon) অচলনযোগ্য0%
(icon) অরণ্য170%
(icon) উপকূলীয় প্রবাল প্রাচীর230%
(icon) গভীর জল0%
(icon) গুহা330%
(icon) গ্রাম160%
(icon) ছত্রাক250%
(icon) জলাভুমি230%
(icon) নকল আচ্ছাদন0%
(icon) পর্বত360%
(icon) পাহাড়250%
(icon) প্রাসাদ160%
(icon) বরফে ঢাকা230%
(icon) বালি230%
(icon) সমতল140%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:41:41 2024.