এল্ফ সর্বোচ্চ সেনাপতি


Elves are not often the instigators of open war, but will not shy away when the time comes to do battle. To this end, they maintain a small number of strategically-minded marshals at all times. Selected from the most talented patrol captains, these commanders undergo extensive training in various military styles, including those of the humans and orcs. They are unorthodox, but brilliant strategists who excel at breaking down large battlefronts into smaller skirmishes, transforming ordinary campaigns into dispersed guerrilla warfare. Engaging elves in their own homes is a daunting task for any invasion force, precisely because of the skillful maneuvering of the marshals who are entrusted with the protection of their people.



Advances from: এল্ফ কাপ্তেন
Advances to:
Cost: 67
HP: 68
Moves: 5
XP: 150
পর্যায়: 3
স্বভাব: নিরপেক্ষ
Id: Elvish Marshal
Abilities: নেতৃত্ব

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)তলোয়ার(blade attack) ধারালো অস্ত্র10 × 4(melee attack) নিকট
(image)ধনুক(pierce attack) ভেদ্য8 × 3(ranged attack) দূর


(icon) ধারালো অস্ত্র0% (icon) ভেদ্য0%
(icon) ভোঁতা অস্ত্র0% (icon) অগ্নি0%
(icon) শীতল0% (icon) অলৌকিক-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) অগভীর জল320%
(icon) অচলনযোগ্য0%
(icon) অরণ্য160%
(icon) উপকূলীয় প্রবাল প্রাচীর230%
(icon) গভীর জল0%
(icon) গুহা330%
(icon) গ্রাম160%
(icon) ছত্রাক250%
(icon) জলাভুমি230%
(icon) নকল আচ্ছাদন0%
(icon) পর্বত360%
(icon) পাহাড়250%
(icon) প্রাসাদ160%
(icon) বরফে ঢাকা230%
(icon) বালি230%
(icon) সমতল140%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:41:41 2024.