Sand Scamperer


This impressive creature swiftly moves through the scorching desert sand. Its body is covered in a thick, sand-colored exoskeleton absorbing any impact damage. However, it is also highly flammable and vulnerable to arcane energy, making fire and magic-based attacks the most effective way to take this venomous critter down.



Advances from:
Advances to: Sand Scuttler
Cost: 12
HP: 27
Moves: 6
XP: 20
Рівень: 0
Тип: нейтральний
Id: Sand Scamperer

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)жало(pierce attack) колючий5 × 1(melee attack) ближня(отрута)
(image)клішні(impact attack) ударний2 × 4(melee attack) ближня


(icon) ріжучий10% (icon) колючий10%
(icon) ударний70% (icon) вогнем-100%
(icon) холодом-20% (icon) містичний-50%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Болото240%
(icon) Глибока вода0%
(icon) Гори460%
(icon) Грибниця250%
(icon) Замок160%
(icon) Ліс250%
(icon) Мерзлота240%
(icon) Мілка вода330%
(icon) Пагорби350%
(icon) Печера240%
(icon) Прибережний риф240%
(icon) Провалля0%
(icon) Пісок240%
(icon) Рівнина140%
(icon) Село160%
(icon) Фальшива пелена0%
Last updated on Fri Jul 26 00:45:46 2024.