Трощитель дюн


Among the many different type of Dune horsemen, there are those who most enjoy the frantic melee at the heart of battle. Bearing short-ranged maces, these sunderers are sturdy, robust warriors who have both the disposition and skill to survive multiple skirmishes. Though not particularly creative or special warriors, such a rider is not impotent in any way — even a small group of sunderers is powerful enough to breach most enemy lines through sheer force. In a situation that requires it, these horsemen also possess enough skill at archery to weaken enemy forces or pick off fleeing stragglers.



Advances from: Наїзник дюн
Advances to: Катафракт дюн
Cost: 38
HP: 55
Moves: 7
XP: 85
Рівень: 2
Тип: порядний
Id: Dune Sunderer

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)булава(impact attack) ударний11 × 3(melee attack) ближня
(image)композитний лук(pierce attack) колючий5 × 3(ranged attack) дальня


(icon) ріжучий20% (icon) колючий-20%
(icon) ударний20% (icon) вогнем0%
(icon) холодом0% (icon) містичний10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Болото420%
(icon) Глибока вода0%
(icon) Гори440%
(icon) Грибниця330%
(icon) Замок150%
(icon) Ліс330%
(icon) Мерзлота230%
(icon) Мілка вода420%
(icon) Пагорби250%
(icon) Печера330%
(icon) Прибережний риф330%
(icon) Провалля0%
(icon) Пісок140%
(icon) Рівнина140%
(icon) Село140%
(icon) Фальшива пелена0%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:45:48 2024.