
(image) (image)

Inferno Drakes are masters of the fire they breathe, respected and feared in their tribes nearly as much as the draconic ancestors themselves. They can prowl unharmed through a firestorm of their own creation, scales tinged red from extensive use of their inner flame, their sculpted red-gold armor enhancing the illusion that they are, in fact, dragons.



Advances from: Brenner
Advances to:
Cost: 64
HP: 82
Moves: 5
XP: 150
Level: 3
Sinnelag: lovlydig
Id: Inferno Drake

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)stridsklør(blade attack) hugg12 × 2(melee attack) nærkamp
(image)ildpust(fire attack) ild8 × 6(ranged attack) avstand


(icon) hugg10% (icon) stikk-10%
(icon) slag20% (icon) ild80%
(icon) frost-40% (icon) arkan-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Dypt vann220%
(icon) Fjell140%
(icon) Flate130%
(icon) Frossen220%
(icon) Grotte330%
(icon) Grundt vann120%
(icon) Ikke gangbart140%
(icon) Kunstig skodde0%
(icon) Kystrev130%
(icon) Landsby140%
(icon) Sand140%
(icon) Skog140%
(icon) Slott140%
(icon) Sopp240%
(icon) Sump130%
(icon) Åser140%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:44:27 2024.