인어 여신관


Among merfolk, mysticism is generally left to the mermaids, who are more inclined to it. It is they who dedicate themselves to the ideal of bringing peace and life to the world, and to the arts which make that possible. Their piety also grants them certain powers, allowing them to guard their people against magical or unnatural things.



Advances from: 인어 여신도
Advances to: 인어 성녀
Cost: 31
HP: 35
Moves: 6
XP: 61
레벨: 2
선호시간대: lawful
Id: Mermaid Priestess
Abilities: 해독, 치료 +8

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)지팡이(impact attack) 충격5 × 3(melee attack) 근접
(image)빛의 기둥(arcane attack) 신령6 × 4(ranged attack) 원격(마법)


(icon) 참격0% (icon) 관통0%
(icon) 충격0% (icon) 화염0%
(icon) 냉기20% (icon) 신령20%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus320%
(icon) 깊은 물150%
(icon) 160%
(icon) 도보불능0%
(icon) 동굴320%
(icon) 마을140%
(icon) 모래230%
(icon) 0%
(icon) 산호초270%
(icon) 설빙 지역230%
(icon) 140%
(icon) 430%
(icon) 얕은 물160%
(icon) 언덕430%
(icon) 평지230%
Last updated on Fri Oct 25 00:43:24 2024.